Scotland's legal aid system is in jeopardy, with nearly a third of legal aid solicitors expected to retire within the next decade. Immediate action from the Scottish Government is essential to prevent the system's potential collapse within 10 years. Our new campaign urges protection of the rights of the less advantaged and keeping legal aid on the political agenda.
Whatever you're going through, you can use our online search tool to find a regulated solicitor you can trust to get you through it.
The Scottish Government has amended the Legal Services Regulation Bill to remove proposed political controls over Scottish solicitors, preserve ‘supremacy of the rule of law’. These changes ensure the independence of the legal profession, addressing widespread concerns about potential political interference.
We have commissioned a new research project to better support smaller firms, ranging from sole practitioners to those with up to 39 solicitors.
All relevant firms will be invited to complete an online survey, which has been sent via email.