Between 1 November 2024 and 31 October 2025, we will support our members to thrive by carrying out the following activities:
Supporting our members to thrive
We will further the conversation on legaltech in Scotland led by the LawscotTech Advisory Board. LawscotTech will have a focus on improving awareness of AI, and will continue to bring together the profession, technology providers, academia and other stakeholders from across Scotland and further afield.
Support our members and their teams in practice
We will evolve our support services and guidance to meet the changing needs of our members and paralegals, ensuring support is available on business resilience, legaltech, and wellbeing.
CPD and training
We will grow our successful programme of continuous professional development (CPD) and training, with flagship hybrid free-to-attend conferences, with an evolving online portfolio of learning and development. Our regulatory courses will be offered as a blend of online and in person to maximise accessibility.
Member engagement
We will continue to build on our existing engagement and support programme by offering targeted guidance, advice and representation for our members. We will provide a range of forums for them to engage with each other and the Society, catering to their interests and needs across different regions, career stages and types of practice.
We will respond to the key wellbeing themes and challenges identified in the 2023 Profile of the
Profession (POP) survey, exploirng our dual role as a regulatory and representative body, and combining ongoing events and engagement with new policy and guidance.