Sustainability Committee
Solicitor Members
Peter Brash
Hannah Gardner
Vikki Henderson
Anne Littlejohn
Sarah Lonie
Kirsty MacArthur
Kirsty Mitchell
Lynsey Whelan
Non-solicitor Member
Lisa Sivori
Aims & functions of the committee
The aim of the Committee is to oversee the development and implementation of the Society’s strategic objectives as they relate to sustainability matters for the profession and legal sector. The committee will do this by:
- Considering the pillars of sustainability (environmental/economic/social) and identifying the areas of priority for work, with an anticipated initial focus on the climate crisis.
- Showing leadership to the profession and setting the Society’s direction in relation to sustainability, including the Lawscot Sustainability programme.
- Guiding the implementation of the Society’s strategy and policies by the creation of an action plan ensuring this is aligned to the Society’s annual plan and allocation of resources.
- Offering guidance and support to the executive.
- Offering guidance on specific issues to Council and Committees of the Society.
- Identifying key priorities and key risks for the Society in relation to sustainability, and report on these to the Board.
- Providing a forum for debate and good practice on issues of sustainability.
- Providing a voice for the Society’s work in the area of sustainability.
- Supporting the Society’s executive in the delivery of relevant areas of work, including the Lawscot Sustainability programme.
- Ensuring that it has an awareness of issues around sustainability and an understanding of how these matters relate to the profession.