Licensing Law Sub-Committee
Audrey Ferrie
Liliana Torres Jimenez
Solicitor Members
Douglas Campbell
Chloe Crawford
Jack Cummins
Colin Elliott
Niall Hassard
Andrew Hunter
Audrey Junner
Caroline Loudon
Raymond Lynch
Michael McDougall
Stephen McGowan
Gillian McNaught
Joanna Millar
Douglas Waddell
Non-solicitor Member
Dominic Notarangelo
Aims & functions of the committee
The Licensing Law sub committee is made up of solicitor and non solicitor members with a particular interest in and knowledge of licensing law in Scotland. Members include local authority solicitors who provide legal advice to licensing boards and committees and those who represent clients involved in the licensing trade including retail, liquor, entertainment and gambling licensing. The sub committee aims to improve the practice and procedure of licensing law by analysing and responding to proposals for reform in this area of law from the Scottish Parliament, UK Parliament and beyond.
Licensing law
Find out more about our work on Licensing Law