Members of our committees and sub-committees play a vital role in the running of the Law Society, and carry out valuable work for the profession and the public.
The deadline for applications is 12 noon Tuesday 4th March 2025.
If you require any further information, please email with any questions you might have.
You can also check our benefits page to find out what volunteering as a committee member brings to your personal and professional development.
Convener Vacancies
We have the below vacancies for Conveners across the following committees:
Regulatory Sub-Committees
- Client Protection Sub-Committee
- Education and Training (Standard Setting) Sub-Committee
Professional Indemnity
- Insurance Committee
Public Policy Sub-Committees
- Child and Family Law Sub-Committee
- Contact and Delict Sub-Committee
- Energy Law Sub-Committee
- Equalities Law Sub-Committee
- Marine Law Sub-Committee
- Pensions Law Sub-Committee
- Tax Law Sub-Committee
Areas of Practice/Sectors Committees
- Legal Aid Committee
Member Services Committees
- Professional Practice Committee
More information about these vacancies can be found in the relevant committee advert.
We are also looking for committee members across a range of our committees, which you can see below:
Regulatory Committee and Sub-Committees
Regulatory - solicitor and lay members
Do you have an interest in regulation? Our Regulatory Committee is looking to recruit one solicitor member and one lay member.
Aims & Functions
The Regulatory Committee is a committee of the Society’s Council and it is independently responsible for discharging the Councils regulatory functions.
The Regulatory Committee's remit is to set, maintain and enforce standards in the interests of the public and the profession. You can read more about the remit of the committee on our website, which highlights the extent and depth of its work, and its commitment to a well-ordered legal profession which retains the trust of the public.
In addition, the Regulatory Committee has a strategy which aims to improve regulatory processes, enhance competition in Scotland’s legal sector and ensure robust consumer protections. You can find more information about our regulatory work here.
Selection Criteria
- An interest in and experience of implementation of regulation
- Analytical, research and problem solving skills that can contribute positively to the regulatory work of the Society
- An ability to concentrate and absorb sometimes complex arguments, summarise complex issues and arrive at balanced, reasoned decisions
- Good communication skills
- Experience of sitting on other regulatory committees or panels with other regulators
- Skills in building relationships beyond the Society and a commitment to engaging positively and openly with relevant stakeholders and the public
- Knowledge and experience of the ‘principles of better regulation’: proportionality, accountability, transparency, targeted, consistency
Solicitor candidates should be on the Roll of Scottish Solicitors.
Time Commitment and Expenses
The successful candidates are required to attend committee meetings as scheduled. The Committee meets on average 6-7 times per annum plus any ad-hoc meeting which may occasionally arise.
Meetings generally take place on the third Thursday of the month from 10.00am to 12.30pm and the meeting dates are scheduled 12 months in advance. The successful candidates will also need to dedicate time to reading papers and information in preparation for the meetings and responding to emails regarding committee work.
Meetings are held hybrid, via TEAMS (remotely) and in the Society’s office. Members are encouraged to attend in person whenever possible.
These positions are voluntary, although reasonable expenses may be claimed.
Length of Term
The appointments are for three year terms. Please know that the solicitor position will commence from 01 September 2025. Further re-appointments may be possible in line with the terms of the committee’s remit. Committee members may serve for up to three terms.
Application Process
Applications will be considered by the Nominations Committee who will put their selection forward to the Society’s Council for approval. The panel may invite applicants to a short interview in some circumstances. The Nominations Committee secretary will confirm the appointments in writing shortly after formal approval has been given. The Committee Recruitment team will email the successful candidates and will set out the approved term of office and other key information that a member will require.
Admissions - solicitor and lay members
Are you looking for an opportunity to get involved in supporting and regulating trainee solicitors and training organisations in Scotland? Our Admissions Sub-Committee is looking to recruit one solicitor member and one lay member.
Aims & Functions
- To carry out the functions of the Council relating to the training and admission of solicitors in terms of the appropriate regulations
- For that purpose, to perform such specific functions of the Council as are assigned to it in terms of arrangements made by the Council under s3A of the Solicitors (Scotland) Act 1980
- To advise the Regulatory Committee (on being requested to do so, or of its own motion) in connection with issues of policy or principle relating to the foregoing matters
- From time to time to establish such sub-committees as are necessary or desirable for the effective discharge of the above functions
- To refer to the Regulatory Committee (with a recommendation as to the action to be taken) any matter within its remit which it considers is more appropriate to be dealt with by that committee
Selection Criteria
Members should have an understanding of:
- The Admission as Solicitor (Scotland) Regulations 2019
- The Law Society’s Guidance for Training Managers
- The Law Society’s Fitness and Properness guidance
Applicant should also be:
- Committed to ensuring a high quality of training of solicitors in Scotland
- Committed to ensuring a high calibre of intrant to the profession
- Aware of equality and diversity issues which may affect their role
- Knowledgeable of the legal profession
Solicitor candidates should be on the Roll of Scottish Solicitors.
Time Commitment and Expenses
The successful candidates are required to attend monthly meetings plus any ad-hoc meeting which may occasionally arise. The successful candidates will also need to dedicate time to reading papers and information in preparation for the meetings and responding to emails regarding committee work.
Monthly meetings for the Admissions Sub-Committee normally take place on the first Thursday of each month from 9.00 am till 11.00am. Meetings are held online via Teams.
These positions are voluntary, although reasonable expenses may be claimed.
Length of Term
The appointments are for three years. Further re-appointment may be possible, following re-application, in line with the terms of the committee’s remit.
Application Process
A panel will consider all applications and put their selection forward to the Society’s Regulatory Committee for approval. The panel will invite applicants to an interview in some circumstances. Appointments will be confirmed in writing shortly after formal approval has been given. The email will set out the approved term of office and other key information that a new member will require.
Anti-Money Laundering - lay member
Do you have an interest in AML and regulation? Our Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Sub-Committee is looking to recruit one lay member.
Aims & Functions
- Ensure Law Society of Scotland-wide compliance with the requirements of the Money Laundering Regulations (including as reflected in the Office of Professional Body Anti-Money Laundering Supervision (OPBAS) Sourcebook and/or equivalent)
- Protect the profession and the public interest by dealing properly and promptly with significant cases of non-compliance with the Money Laundering Regulations
- To promote high levels of compliance with the Money Laundering Regulations across our membership
- Ensure that the LSS Anti-Money Laundering approach remains fit for purpose
- Agree and drive strategic development of the Law Society of Scotland Anti-Money Laundering approach
More information about the AML Sub-Committee can be found here
Selection Criteria
Candidates should:
- Have appropriate professional experience relevant to AML
- Preferably have a background in/experience of Trust & Company Service Provision and/or Conveyancing
- A strong interest in anti-money laundering and financial crime prevention
- An understanding of the duties placed on the Law Society of Scotland and its members by the Money Laundering Regulations and associated legislation (e.g. Proceeds of Crime Act)
- A commitment to protecting the profession and the public through effective anti-money laundering supervision and outreach work
Time Commitment and Expenses
There are up to 12 meetings per year, which generally take place on the first Thursday of the month at 12.00pm, either in-person or remotely (by video). The candidates will also be required to conduct regulatory interviews (potentially 3 times a year) of solicitors found by the sub-committee to be in breach of their professional AML duties. In addition, candidates may be asked to form part of any working parties established by the sub-committee to address specific issues. The candidates will also need to dedicate time to reading papers and information in preparation for the meetings and responding to emails regarding committee work
This is a voluntary position where reasonable travel expenses will be reimbursed.
Length of Term
The appointments are for three years and will commence immediately upon approval. Further re-appointment may be possible, in line with the terms of the committee’s remit.
Application Process
A panel will consider all applications and put their selection forward to the Society’s Regulatory Committee for approval. The panel will invite applicants to an interview in some circumstances. Appointments will be confirmed in writing shortly after formal approval has been given. The email will set out the approved term of office and other key information that a new member will require.
Appeals and Reviews - solicitor member
Are you looking for an opportunity to get involved in regulatory decision making? Our Appeals and Reviews Sub-Committee is looking to recruit one solicitor member.
Aims & Functions
- Consider appeals lodged against decisions made by regulatory sub-committees, other than the Appeals and Reviews Sub-Committee, where such power to hear an appeal has been set out in the Scheme of Delegation. The grounds of appeal are specified in guidance
- Report to the Regulatory Committee, yearly or as identified by the Appeals and Reviews Sub-Committee, in relation to the nature and frequency of the appeals that it hears, together with proposals/recommendations for improvements in the Society’s regulatory processes
More information about the Appeals and Reviews Sub-Committee can be found here.
Selection Criteria
Candidates should have:
- An understanding of the Scottish legal system and the role of the Society within that system
- An understanding of the regulatory system for Scottish solicitors or other similar regulatory fields
- An ability to interpret a large volume of complex information and contribute to the development of solutions for issues considered
- An awareness of the Solicitors (Scotland) Act 1980 and the Legal Services (Scotland) Act 2010
Prior experience of working on committees (particularly those operating in a regulatory field) or with other regulatory organisations would be advantageous.
Solicitor candidates should be on the Roll of Scottish Solicitors.
Time Commitment and Expenses
The successful candidate is required to attend meetings (usually when there is an appeal to consider). The successful candidate will also need to dedicate time to reading papers and information in preparation for the meetings and responding to emails regarding committee work.
Meetings generally take place on the second Thursday of the month at 4.00pm. Some meetings are entirely online, others may be hybrid (with some members attending the Society’s offices in person and others joining online).
This position is voluntary, although reasonable expenses may be claimed.
Length of Term
The appointments are for three years. Further re-appointment may be possible, in line with the terms of the Sub-Committee’s remit.
Application Process
A panel will consider all applications and put their selection forward to the Society’s Regulatory Committee for approval. The panel will invite applicants to an interview in some circumstances. Appointments will be confirmed in writing shortly after formal approval has been given. The email will set out the approved term of office and other key information that a new member will require.
Client Protection - convener and lay members
Do you have an interest in client protection and regulation? Our Client Protection Sub-Committee is looking to recruit three lay members and its Convener.
Aims and Functions:
- To fulfil all functions delegated to it by the Regulatory Committee
- To oversee the fulfilment of the statutory obligations and powers of the Law Society of Scotland regarding the Client Protection Fund (the operating name of the Guarantee Fund)
- To ensure that risks to the Client Protection Fund are managed to an agreed and acceptable level
- To protect the Client Protection Fund, the profession and the public interest by dealing properly and promptly with significant cases of non-compliance with the accounts rules
- To promote high levels of compliance with the accounts rules
- To ensure that accounts rules remain up to date and fit for purpose
Selection Criteria
Candidates should have:
- An understanding of the key legal requirements of Rule B6 of the Law Society of Scotland Practice Rules 2011
- An ability to interpret a large volume of complex information and contribute to the development of solutions for issues considered
- A commitment to protecting the profession and the public through effective regulation of financial compliance
- A commitment to embedding financial compliance best practice throughout the profession
- The ability to contribute to the ongoing development and improvement of financial compliance strategies and operational processes
In addition, the Convener should be a solicitor (on the Roll of Scottish Solicitors) with:
- Technical subject matter of the sub-committee's work
- Chairing skills
- Presentation and media skills
- Extensive knowledge of the legal issues arising from financial compliance work
It would be desirable if the convener has:
- Council Membership
- Previous experience of a regulatory Sub-Committee or the Regulatory Committee
Time Commitment and Expenses
The successful candidates are required to attend monthly meetings and regulatory interviews, dedicate time to reading papers and information in preparation for these meetings, and respond to emails regarding committee work.
The Convener will also be required to chair meetings, work with the committee secretary on committee matters outside of the committee meetings, provide leadership to the committee, and act as a spokesperson for the Society on the work of the committee.
Monthly meetings take place on the first Thursday of each month at 9.30am and typically last for around 60 to 90 minutes. Meetings can take place either in-person or remotely (by video). The candidates will also be required to conduct regulatory interviews (at least 3 times a year) of solicitors found by the sub-committee to be in breach of the accounts rules.
These positions are voluntary, although reasonable expenses may be claimed. The Convener position attracts an honorarium payment.
Length of Term
The appointments are for three years and will commence upon approval. Please note that the Convener position will commence from 09 September 2025. Further re-appointment may be possible, in line with the terms of the committee’s remit.
Application Process
Lay vacancies: A panel will consider all applications and put their selection forward to the Society’s Regulatory Committee for approval. The panel will invite applicants to an interview in some circumstances. Appointments will be confirmed in writing shortly after formal approval has been given. The email will set out the approved term of office and other key information that a new member will require.
Convener vacancy: Applications will be considered by the Nominations Committee who will put their selection forward to the Society’s Regulatory Committee for approval. The panel may invite applicants to a short interview in some circumstances. The appointment will be confirmed in writing shortly after formal approval has been given. The email will set out the approved term of office and other key information that a new member will require.
Complaints and Oversight - solicitor and lay member
Do you have an interest in professional conduct and complaints investigations? Our Complaints & Oversight Sub-Committee is looking to recruit two solicitor members and one lay member.
Aims & Functions
- To give guidance and directions to relevant Committees and thereafter review the handling of all aspects of complaints to ensure transparency, consistency and balance
- To give guidance and direction to the complaints handling staff in relation to policies and procedures for handling complaints, including issuing and reviewing Policy Documents
- To consider and deal with points of policy and principle arising from specific cases and to give guidance as appropriate
- To consider on an ongoing basis relevant external relationships including, but not exclusively, matters relating to the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission, the Scottish Government and the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner
- To consider and promote initiatives to improve client care standards within the profession
- To provide information to the public in relation to the conduct complaint handling process, and areas of practice which feed into it
- To consider issues arising from client dissatisfaction with a view to educating the profession as to:
- Dealing with dissatisfaction and complaint appropriately
- Trying to avoid client dissatisfaction and unnecessary complaints
- Education on the policies and procedures of the Society, and of the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission insofar as they impact upon the Society’s conduct complaint handling process
- To support the profession as appropriate in complaints handling matters involving the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission
- To decide to raise complaints in the Society’s name with the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission in the public interest and/or in the interests of maintaining standards within the profession
- To report to the Regulatory Committee any matters of general importance or specific regulatory interest
- To monitor the exercise by the Sub Committee and of the Law Society executive of the delegated powers of the Council
- To monitor general compliance with Practice Rule B5.5.1 of the Law Society of Scotland Practice Rules, and analyse and report upon first tier complaints records requested in terms of Rule B5.5.1.1(ii)
More information about the Complaints and Oversight Sub-Committee can be found here.
Selection Criteria
Members would contribute to discussion and decisions on complex matters of professional regulation and discipline, and should have:
- Demonstrable interest in and/or experience of complaints handling
- Basic knowledge of the Society’s regulatory functions
- An understanding of the twin duties owed to profession and public
- Previous experience of regulation in other bodies would be advantageous
Solicitor candidates should be on the Roll of Scottish Solicitors.
Time Commitment and Expenses
The successful candidates are required to attend around 10 meetings per year plus any ad-hoc meeting which may occasionally arise. Meetings take place on the first Thursday of the month, between 2.00pm to 4.00pm approx. The candidates will also need to dedicate time to reading papers and information in preparation for the meetings and responding to emails regarding committee work.
These positions are voluntary, although reasonable expenses may be claimed.
Length of Term
The appointments are for three years, and commencement dates will be confirmed upon approval. Further re-appointment may be possible, in line with the terms of the committee’s remit.
Application Process
A panel will consider all applications and put their selection forward to the Society’s Regulatory Committee for approval. The panel will invite applicants to an interview. Appointments will be confirmed in writing shortly after formal approval has been given. The email will set out the approved term of office and other key information that a new member will require.
Education and Training (Standard Setting) - convener, solicitor and lay member
Do you have an interest in legal education and training in Scotland? The Education and Training (Standard Setting) Sub-Committee is looking to recruit:
- two solicitor members:
- three lay members; and
- a solicitor member Convener
Please note, due to the nature of this committee, if recommended for appointment to this Sub-committee you will also be recommended for appointment to our Education and Training (Policy) Committee, which sits at the same time but considers non-regulatory matters relating to education and training, such as the recommended rate for trainee salaries. You can find out more about the Education and Training (Policy) Committee here.
Aims and Functions
- Assure the quality of those admitted as solicitors in Scotland by review of policy and standards for pre- and post-qualification education and training
- Assure quality of the components of solicitors' pre-qualification education and training
- To make recommendations to the Regulatory Committee
- Promote greater awareness of the education and training strategy of the Society
- Play a leading role in all thinking about legal education and training in Scotland
- Represent the Society's views to all other interested bodies, including the government and the universities
More information about the Education and Training (Standard Setting) Sub-Committee can be found here.
Selection Criteria
Candidates should have an understanding of:
- The statutory and regulatory framework for the education and training of solicitors in Scotland including:
- The Solicitors (Scotland) Act 1980
- The Legal Services (Scotland) Act 2010
- The current Admission as Solicitor (Scotland) Regulations
- The Solicitors (Scotland) (Continuing Professional Development) Regulations 1993 and current CPD guidance
- The route to qualification as a solicitor in Scotland, including the fair access agenda
- Current challenges facing legal education and training in Scotland
In addition, the Convener should be a solicitor with:
- Experience of chairing committees or working groups
- Presentation and media skills
- Willingness to act as a spokesperson for the Society on Education and Training Sub-Committee matters
Solicitor candidates should be on the Roll of Scottish Solicitors.
Time Commitment and Expenses
Successful candidates are required to attend monthly meetings plus any ad-hoc meetings which may occasionally arise. Meetings are typically held on the first Thursday of every months from 9.30am until 12.00pm. Candidates will also need to dedicate time to reading papers and information in preparation for the meetings and responding to emails regarding committee work.
The Convener will also be required to chair meetings, work with the committee secretary on committee matters outside of the committee meetings, provide leadership to the committee, and act as a spokesperson for the Society on the work of the committee.
Committee members will also be asked, on occasion, to volunteer time to attend university review events, as part of the Society’s accreditation processes.
These positions are voluntary, although reasonable expenses may be claimed. The Convener position attracts an honorarium payment.
Length of Term
The appointments are for three years. Further re-appointment may be possible, in line with the terms of the committee’s remit.
Application Process
Solicitor and lay vacancies: A panel will consider all applications and put their selection forward to the Society’s Regulatory Committee for approval. The panel will invite applicants to an interview in some circumstances. Appointments will be confirmed in writing shortly after formal approval has been given. The email will set out the approved term of office and other key information that a new member will require.
Convener vacancy: Applications will be considered by the Nominations Committee who will put their selection forward to the Society’s Regulatory Committee for approval. The panel may invite applicants to a short interview in some circumstances. The appointment will be confirmed in writing shortly after formal approval has been given. The email will set out the approved term of office and other key information that a new member will require.
Practising Certificate - lay members
Are you looking for an opportunity to get involved in regulatory decision making? Our Practising Certificate Sub-Committee is looking to recruit two lay members.
Aims & Functions
To consider and determine complex applications which are not dealt with administratively by the Society’s Member Registration Team. Specifically:
- Retention on the Roll of Scottish solicitors
- The right to practise as a solicitor
- CPD Compliance
- Incorporated Practices
- Multinational Practices
- Registered Foreign Lawyers
- Miscellaneous applications related to practice
Selection Criteria
Candidates should have:
- Knowledge or experience of the Scottish legal system
- An understanding of the regulatory system for Scottish solicitors or other similar regulatory fields
- An understanding of the aims and objectives of the Society as a regulatory body and membership organisation
- A commitment to and enthusiasm for the work of the sub-committee
- A willingness to participate and contribute to short life working parties or projects
Prior experience of working on committees (particularly those operating in a regulatory field) or with other regulatory organisations would be advantageous.
Time Commitment and Expenses
The successful candidates are required to attend meetings plus any ad-hoc meetings which may occasionally arise. The Sub-Committee usually meets from 9.15am to 11am approx. on the second Thursday of each month. Some meetings are entirely online, others may be hybrid (with some members attending the Society’s offices in person and others joining online).
The candidates will also need to dedicate time to reading papers and information in preparation for the meetings and responding to emails regarding committee work.
These positions are voluntary, although reasonable expenses may be claimed.
Length of Term
The appointments are for three years. Further re-appointment may be possible, in line with the terms of the Sub-Committee’s remit.
Application Process
A panel will consider all applications and put their selection forward to the Society’s Regulatory Committee for approval. The panel will invite applicants to an interview in some circumstances. Appointments will be confirmed in writing shortly after formal approval has been given. The email will set out the approved term of office and other key information that a new member will require.
Professional Conduct - solicitor and lay members
Do you have an interest in regulating conduct complaints against Scottish Solicitors executry and conveyancing practitioners? The Professional Conduct Sub-Committee 1 and the Professional Conduct Sub-Committee 2 are looking to recruit one solicitor member and two lay members.
Aims & Functions
- To determine conduct complaints against Scottish solicitors, executry and conveyancing practitioners
- To decide if a conduct complaint may amount to professional misconduct and requires to be referred to the Scottish Solicitors Discipline Tribunal in terms of Section 51 of the Solicitors (Scotland) Act 1980
- To decide if a conduct complaint against a Scottish solicitor amounts to unsatisfactory professional conduct in terms of Section 42ZA of the 1980 Act, and in the event that a determination is made to impose appropriate sanctions
- To determine whether no action should be taken in relation to a conduct complaints against, Scottish solicitors, executry and conveyancing practitioners
- To decide if a conduct complaint against an executry and/or conveyancing practitioner amounts to unsatisfactory professional conduct in terms of Section 20 ZB of the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions)(Scotland) Act 1990
Selection Criteria
Candidates should have:
- Experience in analysing papers and making decisions based on sound reasoning and precedent
- Knowledge of the relevant rules and regulations
- Ability to exercise sound judgement and provide reasons to support it
Previously served on other Regulatory Sub Committees or who have experience of working with other regulatory organisations would be advantageous.
Applications from all candidates will be considered, and we would particularly welcome applications from individuals with a background in general and residential conveyancing, rural work and Trust and executry work.
Solicitor candidates should be on the Roll of Scottish Solicitors.
Time Commitment and Expenses
The successful candidates are required to attend monthly meetings plus any ad-hoc meeting which may occasionally arise. The candidate will also need to dedicate time to reading papers and information in preparation for the meetings and responding to emails regarding committee work.
The PCSC 1 usually meet on the last Thursday of every month and the PCSC 2 usually meets on the second Thursday of every month at 1.30pm.
These positions are voluntary, although reasonable expenses may be claimed.
Length of Term
The appointments are for three years. Further re-appointment may be possible, following re-application, in line with the terms of the committee’s remit.
Application Process
A panel will consider all applications and put their selection forward to the Society’s Regulatory Committee for approval. The panel may invite applicants to a short interview in some circumstances. Appointments will be confirmed in writing shortly after formal approval has been given. The email will set out the approved term of office and other key information that a new member will require.
Rights of Audience - solicitor and lay members
Do you want to be part of our Rights of Audience Sub-Committee? There are vacancies to recruit two solicitor / solicitor advocate members and two lay members.
Aims & Functions
- To carry out the functions of the Council relating to extended rights of audience as set out in s25A of the Solicitors (Scotland) Act 1980 and relevant Practice Rules
The sub-committee meets to consider applications for Rights of Audience and other matters pertinent to exercising the functions under S25A.
Selection Criteria
Candidates should have:
- An understanding of the aims and objectives of the Society as a regulatory body and membership organisation
- Access to email on a confidential basis
- Experience of committee work, whether in a legal or a personal context would be advantageous
Solicitor applicants should also:
- Have knowledge or experience of High Court or Court of Session
- Be on the Roll of Scottish Solicitors.
Time Commitment and Expenses
The successful candidates are required to attend around six to eight meetings per annum. The meetings usually take place late afternoon/early evening (16.30pm onwards) to allow for court practitioners’ attendance and can also be joined remotely.
The candidates will also need to dedicate time to reading papers and information in preparation for the meetings and responding to emails regarding committee work.
These positions are voluntary, although reasonable expenses may be claimed.
Length of Term
The appointments are for three years. Further re-appointment may be possible, in line with the terms of the committee’s remit.
Application Process
A panel will consider all applications and put their selection forward to the Society’s Regulatory Committee for approval. The panel may invite applicants to an interview in some circumstances. Appointments will be confirmed in writing shortly after formal approval has been given. The email will set out the approved term of office and other key information that a member will require.
Rules, Waivers and Guidance - solicitor members
Our Rules, Waivers and Guidance Sub-Committee is looking to recruit two solicitor members.
Aims & Functions
- To consider and develop proposals to amend certain regulatory requirements, in accordance with the Society’s obligations to promote the regulatory objectives and aim to adopt best regulatory practice
- To approve the issue and amendment of Guidance in relation to certain practice rules and areas of legal work
- To consider and determine applications for waiver of certain practice rule requirements, including, for example, specific requirements of the rules on conflict of interest
More information about the Rules, Waivers and Guidance Sub-Committee can be found here.
Selection Criteria
Candidates should have:
- Knowledge or experience of the Scottish legal system
- An understanding of the aims and objectives of the Society as a regulatory body and membership organisation
- A willingness to participate and contribute to short life working parties or projects
Prior experience of working on committees (particularly those operating in a regulatory field) or with other regulatory organisations would be advantageous.
Solicitor candidates should be on the Roll of Scottish Solicitors.
Time Commitment and Expenses
The successful candidates are required to attend meetings (usually the first Thursday of every second month) plus any ad-hoc meetings which may occasionally arise. Some meetings are entirely online, others may be hybrid (with some members attending the Society’s offices in person and others joining online). The candidate will also need to dedicate time to reading papers and information in preparation for the meetings and responding to emails regarding committee work.
These positions are voluntary, although reasonable expenses may be claimed.
Length of Term
The appointments are for three years. Further re-appointment may be possible, in line with the terms of the Sub-Committee’s remit.
Application Process
A panel will consider all applications and put their selection forward to the Society’s Regulatory Committee for approval. The panel will invite applicants to an interview. Appointments will be confirmed in writing shortly after formal approval has been given. The email will set out the approved term of office and other key information that a new member will require.
Professional Indemnity
Insurance - convener, solicitor and non-solicitor members
Do you want to be part of our Insurance Committee? The Insurance Committee is looking to recruit one solicitor member, one non-solicitor member and its Convener.
Aims & Functions
- To negotiate the commercial terms of the PII arrangements for those members in private practice via the insurance brokers with the insurers and agree same
- To conduct the tender for the brokerage and administration of the current Master Policy arrangements
- To put in place an annual risk management programme for members via the brokers
- To appoint members of the Pursuers’ Panel
- To liaise with the SLCC with respect to its oversight function of the PII arrangements for those members in private practice
- To conduct the tender for the appointment of the premium credit provider
Selection Criteria
Candidates should have/be:
- Willing to listen to and learn from other committee members
- Knowledgeable of the legal profession generally
- Solicitor candidates have working knowledge of conveyancing practice or a background in PII & risk management
It would be desirable that:
- Non-solicitor candidates have experience in the field of professional indemnity insurance and risk management.
In addition, the Convener should be a solicitor with:
- Practical experience of the law
- An interest in risk management
- Presentation skills
- General knowledge of the Master Policy and of the workings of the insurance market
- Good chairing skills, an ability to make decisions, a collegiate approach, common sense
- Council Membership would be desirable
Time Commitment and Expenses
The successful candidates are required to attend around 9 meetings per annum. The committee meet on the first Thursday of the month (excluding January, July and August); most of the meetings are by Teams from 3.30pm to 4.45pm approx., with 2 in person meetings which are generally May and December. The candidates will also need to dedicate time to reading papers and information in preparation for the meetings and occasionally responding to emails regarding committee work.
These positions are voluntary, although reasonable expenses may be claimed. The Convener position attracts an honorarium payment.
Length of Term
The appointments are for three years. Further re-appointment may be possible, in line with the terms of the committee’s remit.
Application Process
Solicitor and non-solicitor vacancies: A panel will consider all applications and put their selection forward to the Society’s Nominations Committee and Council for approval. The panel may invite applicants to a short interview in some circumstances. The Committee Recruitment team will confirm member’s appointments in writing shortly after formal approval has been given. The email will set out the approved term of office and other key information that a new member will require.
Convener vacancy: Applications will be considered by the Nominations Committee who will put their selection forward to the Society’s Council for approval. The panel may invite applicants to a short interview in some circumstances. The appointment will be confirmed in writing shortly after formal approval has been given. The email will set out the approved term of office and other key information that a new member will require.
Policy Committees
Public Policy - solicitor and non-solicitor members
Are you looking for an opportunity to get involved in influencing the creation of a fairer and more just society? Our Public Policy Committee is looking to recruit two solicitor and two non-solicitor members.
Aims & Function
The committee (together with other committees of the Society) has an aim of meeting the Society’s statutory objectives of;
- supporting the constitutional principle of the rule of law and the interests of justice
- promoting the interests of consumers and the public interest generally
- promoting access to justice, competition in the provision of legal services
- promoting an independent, strong, varied and effective legal profession
More information about the Public Policy Committee can be found here.
Selection Criteria
Candidates should have:
- Knowledge of Government, public policy and legislative processes
- A general understanding of the legal sector and its organisations (particularly in Scotland)
- Adherence to the Society’s code of conduct for committee members and a commitment to the Law Society values of respect; openness; progress; integrity and inclusion
- A commitment to delivery of the Law Society’s strategy
- The ability to think creatively and innovatively
Time Commitment and Expenses
The successful candidates are required to attend around five meetings per year plus any ad-hoc meeting which may occasionally arise. The candidates will also need to dedicate time to reading papers and information in preparation for the meetings and responding to emails regarding committee work.
The committee generally meets on Wednesdays from 3pm to 5pm with the exception of the last meeting of the year which is usually a longer session.
These positions are voluntary, although reasonable expenses may be claimed.
Length of Term
The appointments are for three years and will commence upon approval. Further re-appointment may be possible, in line with the terms of the committee’s remit.
Application Process
A panel will consider all applications and put their selection forward to the Society’s Nominations Committee and Council for approval. The panel may invite applicants to a short interview in some circumstances. The Committee secretary will confirm member’s appointments in writing shortly after formal approval has been given. The email will set out the approved term of office and other key information that a new member will require.
Public Policy Sub-Committees
Are you looking for an opportunity to get involved in policy and law reform? Our Public Policy Sub-Committees have a range of solicitor, non-solicitor, and Convener vacancies.
Aims and Functions of the Public Policy Sub-Committees
The Public Policy Sub-Committees support the Public Policy Committee in the delivery of the Law Society’s strategy through the development of positions relating to public policy.
The Sub-Committees (together with other committees of the Society) also have an aim of meeting the Society’s statutory objectives of;
- Supporting the constitutional principle of the rule of law and the interests of justice
- Promoting the interests of the profession and the interests of the public
- Promoting access to justice, competition in the provision of legal services
- Promoting an independent, strong, varied and effective legal profession
Selection Criteria for Public Policy Sub-Committees
Candidates should have:
- A working knowledge of the relevant subject area:
- For solicitor members in terms of law and policy, gained from private practice, in-house experience and/or academia
- For non-solicitor members through other professional or personal experience or interest
- A commitment to and enthusiasm for the work of the sub-committee
- A willingness to work collaboratively with other members
- A commitment to delivery of the Law Society’s strategy and the annual plan
- The ability to think creatively and innovatively to assist in the development of effective solutions
- Adherence to the Society’s code of conduct for committee members and a commitment to the Law Society values of respect; openness; progress; integrity and inclusion
In addition, Conveners can be a solicitor or non-solicitor and should have:
- Good chairing and delegating skills
- An ability to make decisions
- A collegiate approach
- Presentation and media skills
Length of Term
Initial appointments are for three years and will usually commence from 1 July 2025. Further re-appointment may be possible, in line with the terms of the committee’s remit.
These positions are voluntary, although reasonable expenses may be claimed.
Our committees generally meet online or on a hybrid basis (in person in Edinburgh and with an option to join via MS Teams) and we welcome applicants from across Scotland and further afield.
Solicitor and non-solicitor vacancies:
The relevant panel will consider all applications and put their selection forward to the Society’s Nominations Committee and Council for approval. The panel may invite applicants to a short interview in some circumstances. Appointments will be confirmed in writing shortly after formal approval has been given. The email will set out the approved term of office and other key information that a new member will require.
Convener vacancies:
Applications will be considered by the Nominations Committee who will put their selection forward to the Society’s Council for approval. The panel may invite applicants to a short interview in some circumstances. The Nominations Committee secretary will confirm the appointment in writing shortly after formal approval has been given. The relevant committee secretary will email the successful candidate and will set out the approved term of office and other key information that a member will require.
Details of each committee and the vacancies available are listed below.
Child and Family Law - convener
The Child & Family Law Sub-Committee is looking to recruit its Convener.
Time Commitment
The successful candidate is required to chair committee meetings. The Convener will also be required to work with the committee secretary on committee matters outside of the committee meetings, provide leadership to the committee and act as a spokesperson for the Society on the work of the committee.
Meetings are currently held every two months, in the late afternoon and typically last for around 2 hours.
More information about the Child & Family Law Sub-Committee’s work can be found here.
Competition Law - solicitor members
The Competition Law Sub-Committee is looking to recruit solicitor members.
Time Commitment
The successful candidates are required to attend quarterly committee meetings and typically last for 1.5 hours. Candidates will also need to dedicate time to reading papers and information in preparation for the meetings and responding to emails regarding committee work.
More information about the Competition Law Sub-Committee’s work can be found here.
Consumer Law - solicitor and non-solicitor members
The Consumer Law Sub-Committee is looking to recruit solicitor and non-solicitor members.
Time Commitment
The successful candidates are required to attend quarterly committee meetings and typically last for 1.5 hours. Candidates will also need to dedicate time to reading papers and information in preparation for the meetings and responding to emails regarding committee work.
More information about the Consumer Law Sub-Committee’s work can be found here.
Contact and Delict- convener, solicitor and non-solicitor members
The Contract and Delict Sub-Committee is looking to recruit solicitor, non-solicitor members and its Convener
Time Commitment
The successful candidates are required to attend committee meetings. The date and time of committee meetings vary based on workload and member availability. Candidates will also need to dedicate time to reading papers and information in preparation for the meetings and responding to emails regarding committee work.
The Convener will also be required to chair meetings, work with the committee secretary on committee matters outside of the committee meetings, provide leadership to the committee and act as a spokesperson for the Society on the work of the committee.
More information about the Contract and Delict Sub-Committee’s work can be found here.
Energy Law - convener, solicitor and non-solicitor members
The Energy Law Sub-Committee is looking to recruit solicitor, non-solicitor members and its Convener.
Time Commitment
The successful candidates are required to attend quarterly committee meetings and typically last for 1.5 hours. Candidates will also need to dedicate time to reading papers and information in preparation for the meetings and responding to emails regarding committee work.
The Convener will also be required to chair meetings, work with the committee secretary on committee matters outside of the committee meetings, provide leadership to the committee and act as a spokesperson for the Society on the work of the committee.
More information about the Energy Law Sub-Committee’s work can be found here.
Equalities Law - convener, solicitor and non-solicitor vacancies
The Equalities Law Sub-Committee is looking to recruit solicitor, non-solicitor members and its Convener
Time Commitment
The successful candidates are required to attend committee meetings. The sub-committee aims to meet four times per year, and generally on Thursday mornings, although this could vary depending upon availability of members and the business for the sub-committee to consider. These meetings are hybrid. Candidates will also need to dedicate time to reading papers and information in preparation for the meetings and responding to emails regarding committee work.
The Convener will also be required to chair meetings, work with the committee secretary on committee matters outside of the committee meetings, provide leadership to the committee and act as a spokesperson for the Society on the work of the committee.
Please know that the Convener position will commence from 01 June 2025.
More information about the Equalities Law Sub-Committee’s work can be found here.
Immigration and Asylum - solicitor members
The Immigration and Asylum Sub-Committee is looking to recruit solicitor members.
Time Commitment
The successful candidates are required to attend committee meetings. The date and time of committee meetings vary based on workload and member availability. Candidates will also need to dedicate time to reading papers and information in preparation for the meetings and responding to emails regarding committee work.
More information about the Immigration and Asylum Sub-Committee’s work can be found here.
Licensing Law - solicitor member
The Licensing Law Sub-Committee is looking to recruit one solicitor member.
Time Commitment
The successful candidate is required to attend a one-hour meeting four times a year and occasional additional meetings if required. Date and time for these meetings are decided ad-hoc and dependent on when members availability. Applicants will also need to dedicate time to reading papers and information in preparation for the meetings, including consultation documents and responding to emails regarding committee work and to attending occasional meetings with third party stakeholders.
Meetings are usually in a virtual format via Microsoft Teams between 12.00pm to 2.00pm. However, for every meeting, the Secretary asks members for the best date and time.
More information about the Licensing Law Sub-Committee’s work can be found here.
Marine Law - convener
The Marine Law Sub-Committee is looking to recruit its Convener.
Time Commitment
The successful candidates is required to chair quarterly meetings (meetings may at times be more infrequent depending on ongoing work). Meetings are generally held on Tuesday or Wednesday mornings, although may vary depending on relevant committee deadlines and member availability.
The Convener will also be required to work with the committee secretary on committee matters outside of the committee meetings, provide leadership to the committee, and act as a spokesperson for the Society on the work of the committee.
More information about the Marine Law Sub-Committee’s work can be found here.
Pensions Law - convener
The Pensions Law Sub-Committee is looking to recruit its Convener.
Time Commitment
The successful candidate is required to chair quarterly meetings. The Convener will also be required to work with the committee secretary and working group leads on committee matters outside of the committee meetings, provide leadership to the committee, and act as a spokesperson for the Society on the work of the committee.
The date and time of committee meetings vary based on workload and member availability.
More information about the Pensions Law Sub-Committee’s work can be found here.
Privacy Law - solicitor and non-solicitor members
The Privacy Law Sub-Committee is looking to recruit solicitor and non-solicitor members.
Time Commitment
The successful candidates are required to attend quarterly committee meetings and typically last for 1.5 hours. The date and time of committee meetings vary based on workload and member availability. Candidates will also need to dedicate time to reading papers and information in preparation for the meetings and responding to emails regarding committee work.
More information about the Privacy Law Sub-Committee’s work can be found here.
Tax Law - convener
The Tax Law Sub-Committee is looking to recruit its Convener.
Time Commitment
The successful candidate is required to chair quarterly meetings. The Convener will also be required to work with the committee secretary and working group leads on committee matters outside of the committee meetings, provide leadership to the committee, and act as a spokesperson for the Society on the work of the committee.
The dates of committee meetings vary depending on relevant committee deadlines and member availability. The committee also has various working groups that may meet separately with relevant stakeholders in addition to the main committee meetings, including Personal Taxes, Business Taxes, and Property Taxes group.
More information about the Tax Law Sub-Committee’s work can be found here.
Areas of Practice / Sector Committees
Criminal Law - solicitor members
Do you have an interest in criminal law? The Criminal Law Committee is looking to recruit solicitor members.
Aims & Functions
The aims and functions of the Committee are:
- To advise the Council and the profession on criminal law matters; to promote its reform; to respond to proposals for reform from bodies including the government and to enhance the profile of criminal law, encouraging best practice and professional ethics
- To improve the criminal law, both practice and procedure, in the Scottish legal system for the benefit of the public and the profession through lobbying for change and through responding effectively to criminal law reform proposals from Westminster, Holyrood, and beyond
- To advance the Law Society of Scotland as key in improving, commenting and analysing proposals for criminal law which emanate from the UK Parliament and UK ministries, the Scottish Parliament and the Scottish Government
Selection Criteria
Candidates should have/be:
- A commitment to delivery of the Law Society’s strategy
- A working knowledge and experience of criminal law and procedure
- Adherence to the Society’s code of conduct for committee members and a commitment to the Law Society values of respect; openness; progress; integrity and inclusion
- The time necessary to take a full and active part in the work of the Committee
- A commitment to and enthusiasm for the work of the Committee
- A willingness to listen and learn from other members
- The ability to think creatively and innovatively
Time Commitment and Expenses
The successful candidate is required to attend to meetings that are usually held the last Wednesday of the month from 4.30pm till 6.00pm, dependent ongoing policy developments. Meetings are usually held in a virtual format via Microsoft Teams. The candidates will also need to dedicate time to reading papers and information in preparation for the meetings and occasionally responding to emails regarding committee work.
These positions are voluntary, although reasonable expenses may be claimed.
Length of Term
This appointment is for three years and will commence upon approval. Further re-appointment may be possible, in line with the terms of the committee’s remit.
Application Process
A panel will consider all applications and put their selection forward to the Society’s Nominations Committee and Council for approval. The panel may invite applicants to a short interview in some circumstances. The Committee Recruitment team will email the successful candidate and will set out the approved term of office and other key information that
In-House Lawyers - solicitor members
Are you looking for an opportunity to get involved in supporting, representing, and promoting the interest of our members working in-house? Our In-house Lawyers Committee is looking to recruit solicitor members.
The ILC is a representational committee of the Law Society of Scotland’s governing Council. The profile of the expanding community of in-house lawyers is extremely diverse. Scottish in-house lawyers can be found across every sector, performing a wide range of roles in every corner of Scotland and beyond.
Aims & Functions
The aims and functions of the Committee are:
- To engage with in-house solicitors and trainees, ensuring the Law Society understands and serves their professional needs
- To promote the interests and status of in-house solicitors and trainees
- The promote of employing in-house solicitors and trainees to organisations who do not currently employ solicitors or trainees
- To encourage and assist in the development of better training of solicitors and trainees working in-house
Selection Criteria
Candidates will be enrolled solicitors currently employed in an in-house role, who can demonstrate:
- A commitment to and enthusiasm for the work of the Committee
- Understanding and experience of in-house practice
- Understanding of the wider in-house community and current issues facing in-house solicitors
- Knowledge of the Society’s values/strategy
- A willingness to contribute to discussions and serve on working parties as required
- A willingness to listen and to learn from other group members
Time Commitment
The successful candidates are required to attend around seven or eight meetings per year plus any ad-hoc meetings (including sub-group or working party meetings) which may arise. Committee meetings usually take place on Thursday from 5 – 7pm every 7 or 8 weeks and remote connection is always available. The successful candidates will also need to dedicate time to reading papers and information in preparation for the meetings and responding to emails regarding committee work.
These positions are voluntary, although reasonable expenses may be claimed.
Length of Term
This appointment is for three years. Further re-appointment may be possible, in line with the terms of the committee’s remit.
Application Process
A panel of existing committee members will consider all applications and put their selection forward to the Society’s Nominations Committee and Council for approval. The panel may invite applicants to a short interview in some circumstances. Appointments will be confirmed in writing shortly after formal approval has been given. The email will set out the approved term of office and other key information that a new member will require.
Legal Aid - convener
Do you have expertise in Civil legal aid? Our Legal Aid Committee is looking to recruit a Co-Convener for its civil legal aid work.
Aims & Functions
- Supporting the constitutional principle of the rule of law and the interests of justice
- Promoting the interests of consumers and the public interest generally
- Promoting access to justice and competition in the provision of legal services
- Promoting an independent, strong, varied and effective legal profession
- Protecting and improving the provision of legal aid in Scotland for the benefit of the public and the profession
- Supporting the profession by representing the interests of and producing relevant guidance for members carrying out legal aid funded work
The committee comprises members with both a civil legal aid and criminal legal aid focus, with a civil and criminal Co-Convener, to consider issues around legal aid practice and payment.
Selection Criteria
The Convener should be a solicitor holding a current PC and with:
- Knowledge or experience of legal aid (civil specialism)
- A commitment to delivery of the Law Society’s strategy
- Adherence to the Society’s code of conduct for committee members and a commitment to the Law Society values of respect; openness; progress; integrity and inclusion
- The ability to think creatively and innovatively
- Good chairing and delegating skills, an ability to make decisions and a collegiate approach
- Presentation and media skills
It would be desirable if the convener has:
- Council Membership
- At least 5 years PQE practicing in civil legal aid
Time Commitment and Expenses
The successful candidate is required to chair quarterly meetings that last around one - two hours in the late afternoon, or ad hoc meetings should an urgent issue arise. The Convener will also be required to work with the committee secretary on committee matters outside of the committee meetings, read papers and information in preparation for the meetings, provide leadership to the committee and act as a spokesperson for the Society on the work of the committee.
This position is voluntary, although attracts an honorarium payment and reasonable expenses may be claimed.
Length of Term
The appointments are for three years. Further re-appointment may be possible, in line with the terms of the committee’s remit.
Application Process
Applications will be considered by the Nominations Committee who will put their selection forward to the Society’s Council for approval. The panel may invite applicants to a short interview in some circumstances. The appointment will be confirmed in writing shortly after formal approval has been given. The email will set out the approved term of office and other key information that a new member will require.
Property Law - solicitor members
Are you interested in property law? The Property Law Committee is looking for solicitor members.
Aims & Functions
- Identify issues of conveyancing practice which need addressed and provide views on such to the profession
- form working parties/sub-committees to take forward particular issues
- To appoint members to sit on third party groups e.g. as set up by the Scottish Government
- Scrutinise and respond to consultation papers and similar documentation on conveyancing law and/or practice matters on behalf of the Society
- Make recommendations to the Professional Practice Committee and Council in relation to conveyancing matters and keep Council appraised of important developments in the conveyancing field
- Meet regularly with ROS, UK Finance, RICS to discuss matters of mutual interest
- Assist the profession in keeping abreast of developments in conveyancing law and practice by contributing to road shows, conferences, placing items in the Journal and Members Bulletin and via the Society website and social media
- Liaise with External Relations about conveyancing issues of interest to media
- Communicate effectively with the profession on issues of practical relevance and generally on the work of the Committee
- Recommend to Council alterations in its membership as required
Selection Criteria
Candidates should have:
- A commitment to delivery of the Law Society’s strategy
- A working knowledge of all areas of conveyancing law and practice together with a good knowledge of their particular specialised area of practice, gained through legal practice (whether in private practice or in house) or in academic study or through working in a related field. Generally, members should have a minimum of five years’ experience in legal practice or a related field
- An understanding of conveyancing law and/or practice issues as they relate to both the public and the profession
- The ability to think creatively and innovatively
We would welcome applications from members working in all property law areas but especially, residential, commercial and rural. We are keen to hear from applicants working in all areas of the country and particularly those working outside of the central belt.
Time Commitment and Expenses
The successful candidates are required to attend around six committee meetings per year. The successful candidates will also need to dedicate time to respond to emails regarding the committee’s work; read papers and information in preparation for the meetings.
Meetings are usually held on Mondays from 11.00am till 1.00pm. They are generally held on Teams, but with the possibility of also being hybrid.
Length of Term
These appointments are for three years and will commence upon approval. Further re-appointment may be possible, in line with the terms of the committee’s remit.
Application Process
A panel will consider all applications and put their selection forward to the Society’s Nominations Committee and Council for approval. The panel may invite applicants to a short interview in some circumstances. Appointments will be confirmed in writing shortly after formal approval has been given. The email will set out the approved term of office and other key information that a new member will require.
Member Services Committees
Professional Practice - convener and solicitor members
Do you want to be part of our Professional Practice Committee? The committee is looking for solicitor members and its Convener.
Aims & Functions
- Advise solicitors on all professional practice and conduct matters, encouraging progressive working methods in the process, so that the profession's standing as advisers to the public may be enhanced
- Keep under review existing rules and guidance to consider whether they are still relevant in the light of current conditions
- Identify issues which may need to be addressed by new rules or guidance
- Issue new practice guidance as required
Selection Criteria
Candidates should have:
- A commitment to delivery of the Law Society’s strategy
- Adherence to the Society’s code of conduct for committee members and a commitment to the Law Society values of respect, openness, progress, integrity and inclusion
- A working knowledge of ethics and professional practice issues together with – for solicitor members - a good knowledge of their particular area of practice. Generally the solicitor members should have a minimum of 5 years’ experience in legal practice
- A willingness to contribute to discussions and serve on working parties as required
- A willingness to listen and learn from other group members
- The ability to think creatively and innovatively to assist in the development of effective solutions
In addition, the Convener should be a solicitor with:
- Knowledge and experience of private practice (ideally five years +)
- Chairing skills
- Presentation and media skills
- Council membership is desirable but not essential
Time Commitment and Expenses
The successful candidates are required to attend ten meetings per annum. Meetings normally take place at 1pm on the first Thursday of the month and are generally held online. The candidates will also need to dedicate time to reading papers and information in preparation for the meetings and occasionally responding to emails regarding committee work.
Committee positions are voluntary, although reasonable expenses may be claimed. The Convener position attracts an honorarium payment.
Length of Term
The appointments are for three years and will commence upon approval. Further re-appointment may be possible, in line with the terms of the committee’s remit.
Application Process
Solicitor vacancies: A panel will consider all applications and put their selection forward to the Society’s Nominations Committee and Council for approval. The panel may invite applicants to a short interview in some circumstances. The Committee Recruitment team will confirm member’s appointments in writing shortly after formal approval has been given. The email will set out the approved term of office and other key information that a new member will require.
Convener vacancy: Applications will be considered by the Nominations Committee who will put their selection forward to the Society’s Council for approval. The panel may invite applicants to a short interview in some circumstances. The appointment will be confirmed in writing shortly after formal approval has been given. The email will set out the approved term of office and other key information that a new member will require.
Governance Committees
Accredited Paralegal Committee - solicitor member
Are you looking for an opportunity to get involved in the development of the paralegal accreditation? Our Accredited Paralegal Committee is looking to recruit one solicitor member.
Aims & Functions
- Deal with applications which exceed the delegated authority of the Secretary
- Consider any issues arising out of the character and suitability test
- Consider non-standard aspects of applications
- Consider requests for waivers
- Assess any additional competencies in new practice areas proposed by paralegals who work in the proposed practice area and assessed by a panel with the necessary skills and knowledge
If you would like more information about our Accredited Paralegal status, please click here.
Selection Criteria
- An interest in and display support for the establishment and ongoing development of new standards for paralegals
- A commitment to ensuring consistently high practice standards for paralegals across legal practice areas
- A commitment to and enthusiasm for the work of the Committee
- A willingness to contribute to discussion and to decision making
- A willingness to listen and learn from other Committee members
Time Commitment and Expenses
The successful candidates are required to attend committee meetings. The committee currently meet on a quarterly basis. Meetings are held via teams and will continue to be held remotely for the foreseeable future. If we did require committee members to attend a meeting at Atria One they can claim back their travel expenses.
Committee meetings are usually held over lunch (1-2pm) and last no longer than an hour. If we undertake a large piece of work the committee may meet on a more regular basis e.g. monthly but no large projects in the pipeline at the moment.
Committee members are also required to dedicate time to reading papers and information in preparation for the meetings, and review non-standard applications, process improvement proposals, new practice area developments via Egress in between quarterly meetings.
Length of Term
The appointments are for three years and will commence immediately upon approval. Further re-appointment may be possible, in line with the terms of the committee’s remit.
Application Process
A panel will consider all applications and put their selection forward to the Society’s Nominations Committee and Council for approval. The panel may invite applicants to a short interview in some circumstances. Appointments will be confirmed in writing shortly after formal approval has been given. The email will set out the approved term of office and other key information that a new member will require.
How to Apply / About the Roles
How to Apply
To apply for these positions, please complete the application form below.
If you are applying for a Convener position, please use the separate Convener application form.
The deadline for all completed application forms is 12 noon on Tuesday 4th March 2025. Please email application forms to
Please do complete the application form as thoroughly as possible. It will be the completed application form which will be the basis of assessment for the position.
CV's sent will be rejected.
The Society reserves the right to seek more information from external sources in relation to the information provided on the application form.
Guidance for Applicants
It is important when making an application for committee/subcommittee membership to address the following in your application form:
- The remit of the committee/subcommittee for which you are making the application.
- Your experience and knowledge in the area of work of the committee.
- Your current experience as a committee member in other areas.
- Your ability to read the committee papers, attend committee meetings and contribute to the work of the committee at meetings and out with meetings.
- Your knowledge of the Society’s values, strategic objectives and your ability to work as a team member with the convener, other committee members and the committee secretary.
It is important when making an application for the position of convener to address the following in your application form:
- The remit of the committee/subcommittee for which you are making the application for the convener position.
- Your detailed experience and knowledge in the area of work of the committee.
- Your current experience as a convener in other areas.
- Your ability to chair meetings and provide leadership to the committee.
- Your knowledge of the Society’s values, strategic objectives and your ability to work all committee members and the committee secretary.
- Your availability to act as a spokesperson for the Society on the work of the committee.
- Your availability to work with the committee secretary on committee matters outside of the committee meetings.
The Role of a Committee/Sub-Committee member
- Commitment to delivery of the Law Society’s strategy
- To attend meetings having read and reflected on the meeting papers in advance
- To maintain relevant subject matter expertise to enable them to play a full part in the committee’s discussions and to be prepared to challenge constructively, while respecting the views of others
- To contribute to ongoing work between meetings, for example by taking part in email discussions, working parties and conference calls, and by carrying out actions, including for example attending external meetings, they may have been asked or have offered to undertake
- To respect the confidentiality of meetings
- To work constructively with the committee convener, other members and Law Society of Scotland staff
- To give notice as soon as possible of apologies for absence
- To disclose any conflict of interest
- To comply with our code of conduct, standing orders and constitution
- Any other duties specific to the work of the committee
The Role of a Convener
- Commitment to delivery of the Law Society’s strategy
- Commitment to the time required to effectively carry out the role
- To lead the committee in making decisions and achieving its goals
- To chair meetings effectively, ensuring that all relevant interests are declared, all participants have the opportunity to contribute to the discussion, and that at the conclusion of each discussion there is a clear decision about next steps
- Comment on and approve the minutes, which will be provided in draft by the committee secretary.
- Contribute to work between meetings through email exchanges, calls or meetings, as appropriate and as necessary
- Act as a spokesperson for the Society on the work of the committee
- To review applications in accordance with our recruitment and selection policy and procedure and along with the recruitment panel, make recommendations to the Nominations Committee or Regulatory Committee for the appointment or reappointment of members. Also, as a panel member to interview candidates as necessary
- To work constructively with other committee members and Law Society staff
- To comply with our code of conduct, standing orders and constitution
- Any duties specific to the work of the committee
Policy on Appointments of Lay Persons
Policy on appointment of lay members to Council, the Regulatory Committee and Regulatory Sub-Committees to take effect from all recruitment rounds after 15 March 2021.
Constitution of the Law Society of Scotland
Section 2; Interpretation
‘a lay member”, means a member of Council who is a person who appears to the Council to be qualified to represent the interests of the public in relation to the provision of legal services in Scotland or, having regard to the Society’s functions, appears to the Council to be suitable in other respects, but is not a:
(a) member of the Society,
(b) member of the Faculty of Advocates,
(c) conveyancing or executry practitioner as defined in section 23 of the 1990 Act,
(d) person having a right to conduct litigation or a right of audience by virtue of section 27 of the 1990 Act,
(e) confirmation agent as defined in section 90(4) of the 2010 Act, or will writer as defined in section 101(3) of the 2010 Act.
“a member of the Society” means a solicitor who in terms of Section 2(1) of the Act has in force a practising certificate, and any other solicitor who has paid the current annual membership subscription to the Society and whose name appears upon the Roll of Solicitors kept by the Council;
Section 3C(1)(b) Solicitors (Scotland) Act 1980 (as inserted by section 133 Legal Services ( Scotland ) Act 2010 ‘at least 50% of the (Regulatory) committee's membership is to comprise lay persons’
Section 3C(4) 1980 Act
In subsection (1)(b), “lay persons” are persons who are not—
(a) solicitors,
(b) advocates,
(c) conveyancing or executry practitioners as defined in section 23 of the 1990 Act,
(d) those having a right to conduct litigation, or a right of audience, by virtue of section 27 of the 1990 Act, or
(e) confirmation agents or will writers within the meaning of Part 3 of the 2010 Act.
When considering the appointment or re-appointment of any person as a lay member to the Council of the Law Society, the Regulatory Committee or a Sub-Committee of the Regulatory Committee, consideration should be given to whether a person could generally be considered independent of the legal profession and hold a public interest perspective.
Specifically, those who should not be considered for lay membership shall include:
1. Any person, who within the preceding 10 years, has fallen within any of those categories as set out within section 3C(4) of the Solicitors (Scotland) Act 1980
2. Any person who currently is, or has been within the preceding 10 years, regulated or represented by, but not limited to, any of the following;
a) regulatory body authorised by the Legal Services Board with the exception of those authorised to regulate Chartered Accountants,
b) the Association of Commercial Attorneys,
c) the Law Society of Northern Ireland or
d) the Bar of Northern Ireland.
3. Any person who:
a) is a trainee solicitor or undertaking pupillage with the Faculty of Advocates (Devilling),
b) is employed by a business regulated for the purposes of providing legal services,
c) has been subject to a finding of misconduct by a professional or disciplinary body and as a result has had the right to practice removed (i.e. struck off / disbarred) or
d) is subject to a current suspension of the right to practice.
The guidance does not apply to representative, governance or policy committees or sub-committees.
Convener Application Form
Committee Member Application Form
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Information about the different groups that make up our governance structure and their individual members.
Our standards
We aim to provide a high level of service to all those who depend on our services and with whom we interact.