Client protection
The Law Society is responsible for regulating Scottish solicitors and setting standards through its Regulatory Committee. We can help you find out more about what consumer protections are available and how legal fees should be calculated.
Occasionally, clients feel that their solicitor has not provided a service to the standards set out. We also help clients understand how you can go about making a complaint against a solicitor.
Standards for solicitors
This guide explains what the standards for solicitors are and the differences between standards of conduct and standards of service.
Complaints against solicitors
What to do in the event that you are unhappy about the service or conduct of your solicitor and wish to make a complaint.
When firms close down or are in trouble
We assist clients where a solicitor has ceased trading without making arrangements for their clients, or it's found that a firm's accounting records have not been kept properly.
Client Protection Fund
The Client Protection Fund exists to protect clients who have lost money because of the dishonesty of a solicitor or a member of their staff.
How solicitors are insured
We arrange professional indemnity insurance known as the Master Policy for all Scottish solicitors in private practice. Clients can get advice about negligence claims from the Pursuers' Panel.
Cost of legal services
Information about legal fees, how they work in relation to different areas of law, and what is taken account of when a reasonable fee is calculated.
How to spot a scam solicitor
Some tips for avoiding criminals claiming to be solicitors and checking that a solicitor is who they say they are.
Reporting concerns
Our approach to receiving intelligence from the public, from solicitors and from other people working in the legal sector, which relates to serious concerns or risk to the public.

Regulation and compliance
As the professional body and regulator for Scotland's solicitor profession we assure the quality of legal services and protect the public interest. Find out more about our regulatory work.