Do I need to record my CPD?
Yes. Solicitors are required to record and evidence the CPD they undertake in a practice year including any over and above the minimum 20 hours (15 verifiable and 5 private study). Solicitors are encouraged to do this using the Members’ login area of the Society’s website but a manual record also suffices including copies of confirmation emails, receipts, invoices, Joining Instructions etc.
If I miss a conference or seminar will watching the recording count as verifiable CPD?
Yes. If you miss a conference or seminar you will receive a link to the recording(s) once this has been edited by the CPD team. However, please note that the recording may not be available until some time after the event. Once available it may also only be for a limited period.
I’m a speaker at a CPD event, does my involvement count towards my requirement?
Yes. You get up to 4 hours for your preparation plus however many hours you presented at the event (rounded up to 1 hours if less). Outwith your own involvement you will obviously accrue CPD hours in the normal way for attendance at other sessions in the same event.
What is verifiable CPD?
A minimum of 15 hours of CPD per annum must meet the criteria for verifiable CPD. By verifiable, the Society means that the CPD activity should meet the following criteria:
(i) Have clear aims and outcomes relevant to the solicitor’s professional development
(ii) Provide interaction and/or the opportunity for feedback
(iii) Be able to be evidenced
(iv) Is not part of a solicitor’s daily work
In terms of making my CPD verifiable am I required to give feedback?
No. You don’t have to avail yourself of the opportunity for feedback for it to be verifiable, just having the option suffices.
I attended a CPD course and added it to my member’s account of the LSS website but it has disappeared?
For any issues or questions in relation to your LSS Member’s account please contact member.registration@lawscot.org.uk.
I attended a course through a different CPD provider will this count towards my verifiable CPD?
We are unable to comment on whether any external training counts towards your verifiable CPD. Please see the following page on our website to check if the training fits the criteria. Otherwise, please check with the training provider - https://www.lawscot.org.uk/members/cpd-training/about-lawscot-cpd/cpd-requirements/
If I cancel my booking will I receive a refund?
Our cancellation terms are - 10 working days or more before an event you will receive a 50% refund, 5 working days or less before an event there is no refund. For more information on our CPD Terms and Conditions please see - https://www.lawscot.org.uk/members/cpd-training/about-lawscot-cpd/terms-and-conditions/
Can I forward the CPD recording on to my colleagues?
Yes, but this would not count towards their verifiable CPD as there is no record of them being registered for the training. If they would like to count this towards their CPD, they would need to register and pay for the training separately.
I am going on maternity leave, how much CPD am I required to do?
For information on CPD exemptions and waivers please see the following page on our website - https://www.lawscot.org.uk/members/cpd-training/about-lawscot-cpd/cpd-requirements/ For further clarification and more information please contact member.registration@lawscot.org.uk.
I need to update my member record, is this something you can help with?
For any updates or changes to your member record, please contact member.registration@lawscot.org.uk.
I have forgot my login details to access my member account, can you help?
If you have forgotten your login password, please follow the forgot password option which will allow you to reset. If you have forgotten your member ID number, please contact member.registration@lawscot.org.uk.
I have been locked out of my member account can you help?
If you have been locked out of your member account, please contact member.registration@lawscot.org.uk.
My company/organisation offers in-house training, will this count towards my CPD?
We are unable to comment on whether any external training counts towards your verifiable CPD. Please see the below page on our website to check if the training fits the criteria - https://www.lawscot.org.uk/members/cpd-training/about-lawscot-cpd/cpd-requirements/ For further clarification and more information please contact careers@lawscot.org.uk
Our company would like to start offering in-house training, how can this be counted towards CPD?
Please contact our Careers team for help and guidance in this area - careers@lawscot.org.uk
Do I need to do CPD if I’ve become a solicitor during the year?
For information on CPD exemptions and waivers please see the following page on our website - https://www.lawscot.org.uk/members/cpd-training/about-lawscot-cpd/cpd-requirements/ For further clarification and more information please contact member.registration@lawscot.org.uk.
I’ve just finished my traineeship and become a solicitor during the practice year, do I need to do CPD?
Trainees admitted during the practice year are not required to undertake any CPD until the start of the practice year following the date on which their training contract ends (assuming that they have then been admitted and hold a Practising Certificate).
I'm a trainee, what are my CPD requirements?
All trainees must complete a minimum of 60 hours CPD training over the two-year period of their training contract. Of these 60 hours, 40 must be specialised trainee CPD (TCPD) taken with an authorised provider, while the remaining 20 hours can be made up from regular CPD. For more information, including when you need to undertake the mandatory ethics course, please see - https://www.lawscot.org.uk/qualifying-and-education/qualifying-as-a-scottish-solicitor/the-traineeship/information-for-trainees-and-practice-unit/required-cpd-for-trainees/