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1 hour verifiable CPD | This webinar is free for members to attend
The legal profession often finds Source of Funds/Source of Wealth checking challenging, complex and difficult to apply in practice. It was on this knowledge that the Legal Sector Affinity Group (LSAG) sought to significantly expand guidance in this crucial area, giving both definitions, the circumstances when such checking must or should apply, and what evidence should be documented. It is a fundamental part of holistic due diligence and is at the heart of assessing the money laundering risk associated with a client or transaction.
Graham McKenzie, Head of Anti-Money Laundering at the Law Society of Scotland, and Gregor Angus, Senior Business Development Manager at Amiqus, will talk through this ever-evolving topic, with some practical thoughts on how you can keep on top of compliance at your firm.
Learning outcomes:
- Introduction to LSAG guidance and regulatory requirements
- Improve your understanding of a risk-based approach to Source of Funds
- What is Open Banking technology and how can a digital solution help you with Source of Funds?