Watch a selection of free videos made with the help of knowledgeable external speakers and our own experts.
Webinars available to watch now for free

Introduction to Applying for Judicial and Public Appointments
If you have an interest in either judicial appointments, or a public appointment, this recorded webinar will explain the selection criteria and process, and provide industry leading practical advice on how to make a positive impact.
Mental Health Awareness Week 2020

Wellbeing and positive mental health: Does being a lawyer help?
Watch this free online webinar to hear a panel of speakers discuss why lawyers are susceptible to mental health problems, and how being a lawyer can help.

Wellbeing at Work in Changing Times: The Business Case
As you and your organisation adjust to new ways of working, join our speakers to learn more about wellbeing and resilience during a crisis, as well as the business case for prioritising wellbeing.

Being Resilient in a Tough Job Market: Why Mindset Matters More Than Ever
This session looks at how a positive mindset and resilience can be essential tools for a competitive job market. Targeted at new lawyers, the session features a panel who share their own personal experience and advice following qualifying during the 2008 crash.