May 1 elections
Standing for the Conservative Party in Glasgow Rutherglen, Gavin Brown displays the sort of sunny optimism in the face of improbable odds that characterised William Hague’s doomed General Election campaign of 2001.
Yet while all wisdom suggests he can’t hope for more than a plucky increase in the share of the vote (in 1999 the Conservative candidate was fourth, polling just 8% ) he quotes that politician’s favourite, the views on the doorstep, to lend belief to his view that he really can pull off an unlikely triumph.
Fanning the flames of hope is the inspiration of Dr Richard Taylor, who won the Wyre Forest seat at the 2001 General Election based on the sole issue of preventing the downgrading of Kidderminster Hospital and demanding the re-opening of its accident and emergency department.
So it’s the issue of having the Southern General replace the Victoria Infirmary as the local accident and emergency hospital that Brown hopes will lead him to election victory.
“It’s not a poisoned chalice, on paper it’s a safe Labour seat, but with feelings running high on the hospital issue, there’s a good chance of stealing some thunder.
“I’m very optimistic, people are very positive on the doorstep and I don’t feel like cannon fodder. I’m very excited about it all. The cup has always been half full as far as I’m concerned.
“There is an old adage that all politics is local. People vote on local issues that matter to them.”
Having recently started his own public speaking training consultancy, teaching lawyers in particular the core skills needed for effective communication, he is better able to manage his own time than when employed at McGrigor Donald.
“It’s tough getting the balance between work and campaigning, and it means long days, but I try to balance it as best I can.
“It’s much easier now I’m working for myself. If I was still at McGrigor Donald, there is no way I’d be able to go out leafleting as you can’t really knock on doors much beyond 8.30pm.”
As a sitting MSP, and with every prospect of re-election, Fergus Ewing is well placed to offer words of wisdom to those aspiring to election.
For Ewing, of course, politics is in his blood, or as he jokes “I joined the SNP at the moment of conception.”
So what does his solicitor background bring to the Parliament? “A legal training and the mental discipline which I hope that brings has been invaluable in the task of carrying out parliamentary work. A large part of the work concerns considering legislation and lawyers are at an advantage, we understand the jargon.
“At times it’s easy to forget that it’s new territory for people coming from other walks of life, though one of the biggest disappointments has been that there is too much assertion and not enough argument. The contributions that some members make would be dismissed by a sheriff as wholly irrelevant. Too many speeches in the Parliament comprise a series of unsubstantiated assertions.”
Now a partner of Leslie Wolfson & Co, prior to being elected he combined campaigning with running what was, in effect, a sole practitioner firm.
“Combining legal work with any other serious endeavour is a challenge. I found it very hard, it just means you give up leisure time at the weekends and evenings, but no-one forces us to stand. I take my hat off to all the younger lawyers who are standing.”
Standing as Labour candidate for the Council ward in which he lives, Hardgate in Clydebank, Douglas McAllister’s political ambitions are focused, for the moment at least, very much at a local level.
He’s firmly of the belief that his legal background is a key selling point to voters.
“People on the doorstep are reassured when I explain that I’ll treat their problems with the same strict adherence to confidentiality that I would offer to clients in private practice. I think people expect someone with a legal background to stand for bigger and better things like Westminster or the Scottish Parliament and they might treat that cynically and think being a solicitor is just a career step.
“But when you say you’re standing for local government, and are prepared to give up what little spare time you have, they are genuinely impressed that you are willing to give something back to the local community during your evenings and weekends.”
His is likely to be a close run battle with the sitting SNP councillor, but McAllister is hopeful that his local ties and pledge to raise his family in Hardgate will sway voters.
Working with criminal legal aid practice Turnbull McCarron in Glasgow, he’s on call every other weekend. So, if elected, how would he juggle the conflicting demands of career, family and council duties?
“There are two approaches to being a councillor. Traditionally they were professionals within the community who were doing this over and above their job, but now people are trying to develop it as some sort of full time career. I will revert back to the old system, I’ll work full time and will work my council responsibilities in around that.
“If I win, though, I accept that my chances of early partnership with Turnbull McCarron will be reduced, but I think the pull of politics is too strong to let that deter me.”
And if he loses, will he be back to try again?
‘Even though I don’t expect to win, if I lose it will be devastating for me and my family, because we’ve all put so much into it. But I will definitely stand again.”
Allan Steele (left) is quite honest that his career in law was always intended as a stepping stone to his long-term political ambitions.
“It soon became clear that a training in the law is certainly beneficial as far as a political career is concerned. Legal training can help take you on to another level in politics. Politicians are law makers so the law is really an extension of what happens in politics.”
Having already fought the Eastwood seat for the Liberal Democrats at the Westminster elections, his ambitions might have been better served by looking to seek selection for a more conceivably winnable seat.
Instead he is once again challenging in a seat that has changed from a Conservative bastion to a comparative Labour stronghold over the course of just two General Elections.
He insists that approach is essential to establish his credibility with his party and the local constituents.
At the General Election he fought the campaign while continuing to work full time as a solicitor with Dallas McMillan in Glasgow, but this time he has resigned his temporary contract with Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive to concentrate exclusively on his campaign.
“Frankly your campaign isn’t going to benefit and you’re not going to give full commitment to your firm when you’re going to be away doing interviews at a moment’s notice.”
After the Election, in the event of not being elected, he’ll be joining the military as a lawyer. Already a Royal Navy reservist, his new post will involve prosecuting court martials and advising the military on legal matters.
In this issue
- The reality of pension sharing
- Clarifying the classic letter of obligation
- Commonsense approach to contaminated land
- Contaminated land liabilities
- “CML initiative” regarding new-build houses
- Risk management focus review
- Modernising justice
- Caveat spammer, caveat advertiser
- May 1 elections
- Costing solutions to common executry problems
- Genealogy
- Website reviews
- Solicitors can promote legacy giving
- One-door regulator for charity sector
- Client relations
- Open question on sentencing guidelines
- Book reviews