October 2004
President's message: The role of solicitors in society and as guardians of the public interest has been prominent in presidential activities this past month

Refusals of benefit on the basis of inadequate medical examinations cause needless distress to claimants and expense to the Appeals Service
Author's view that media headlines about compensation claims seldom reflect the reality of litigation
Personal view by retiring Convener of the Society's Legal Aid Committee of what the key players in legal aid must each face up to for it to work fairly
Experiences of the latest (and largest) firms to convert to limited liability partnership status
In this issue
- Citizenship, society and solicitors
- The well unfair state
- Litigation nation
- Best medicine
- Take a deep breath
- What title?
- Walk this way?
- Know your strategy
- e-quilibrium?
- The researchers
- Rights out of anarchy
- Political correctness or positive change?
- Steering clear
- How far can a board go?
- Major role for new tribunal
- The race is on (again)
- Planning a superhighway
- Website reviews
- Book reviews
- Single survey's lonely heart
- In harmony
- Clearing the path