November 2005
President's message: October provided a number of new insights for the President - and for the profession as well

Opinion by the Convenor of the Scottish Legal Action Group that at its 30th birthday the Group's reforming agenda remains as pressing as ever
Main findings of the Law Society of Scotland/Equal Opportunities Commission survey of women in the legal profession in Scotland
Introducingthe Law Society of Scotland's three year Equality and Diversity Strategy: a means of providing guidance to the profession as well as a blueprint for the Society
How judicial procedures are being streamlined to permit the more effective arrest and prosecution of suspects across national frontiers within the EU
In this issue
- Changing perceptions
- A need undiminished
- Steps forward
- A better way to work
- Combatting the cross-border criminal
- Seen to be fair?
- The lobbying game
- A favoured model?
- A grand day out
- A window of opportunity
- Don't fall at the final hurdle
- Practice guideline: form of accounts and taxation
- Advice for All: the Society's response
- Matter for debate
- Divorcing the divorced
- Uncommon commencement dates
- Scottish Solicitors' Discipline Tribunal
- Website review
- Book reviews
- Still thumbs down
- Search and copy fees changing
- Common currency