Users' IT requirements for ARTL

Users’ IT systems will need to meet certain minimum requirements in order for them to use ARTL. These are in respect of:
- hardware
- operating system
- browser software
- software required for digital signatures
- card management and
- connection to the internet
The purpose of this note is to give further details of these requirements to intending ARTL users and each of the above subjects is considered in turn.
ARTL will not itself have significant requirements for local disk space on the user’s computer and any computer which has the capacity to run the software referred to below should be suitable for use with ARTL.
Operating system
It is recommended that, for users who have a Windows platform, Windows XP Professional or Home Edition is chosen as the operating system. As Windows 98 and Windows NT will no longer be supported by Microsoft after 30 June 2006, their use for connection to ARTL is not recommended.
An alternative to Windows is a Unix based open source operating system such as Linux. It is Registers of Scotland’s intention to support the use of such systems for ARTL, and intending ARTL users who have them should contact Registers of Scotland direct as soon as possible to discuss their requirements in more detail.
It is also likely that a number of potential ARTL users have Apple Mac computers and Registers of Scotland will support their use for ARTL. The Mac OS Version X operating system is roughly equivalent to Windows XP and it is anticipated that this will support all the requirements of ARTL.
For all operating systems, it is recommended that the patch level installed is kept up to date as per vendor recommendations in order to ensure that an appropriate level of security is maintained.
Browser software
The ARTL system is internet based and is made available to users within an internet browser. This will require users to have a compatible browser installed on their computer.
For those operating on a Windows platform this is likely to be Internet Explorer and for Apple Mac users it is likely to be Safari. Alternative browsers such as Firefox, Netscape or Mozilla are available and it is intended that ARTL will support their usage. These may require special support arrangements and any potential ARTL users who have them, or their IT consultants, should contact Registers of Scotland direct as soon as possible to discuss requirements.
As Adobe Acrobat Reader version 7 or later is required for viewing and signing digital deeds it will be necessary for ARTL users to have a browser compatible with that product, which can be checked on the Adobe website.
Software required for digital signature
Regardless of the user’s choice of hardware and operating system, the digital signature facility selected for ARTL will require the use of Adobe Acrobat Reader software, as stated above. This can be downloaded from Adobe free of charge over the internet. Version 7 or above will be required, since earlier versions do not support the relevant digital signature technology.
Card management
The use of digital signatures under ARTL will involve the use of a smartcard and this in turn means that computer terminals used by those with digital signatures will need to have a card reading facility. This can be built into a computer terminal or keyboard. It is unlikely that users will have such facilities already and for existing installations a separate card reader can be attached, using a spare USB or serial port.
The cost of the card reader and of connecting it to the computer, and the cost of the associated software, is expected to be minimal. Registers of Scotland will provide further details to intending ARTL users in good time before ARTL is introduced.
The card management software will not place heavy demands on the user’s IT system and no special requirements are recommended for it.
Connection to the internet
ARTL users will need to have a connection to the internet. While a basic dial-up facility will be sufficient for light or occasional use, its slow speed may cause frustration. It is therefore anticipated that for most users a broadband connection will be preferred as it will improve access speeds.
Further enquiries
Technical enquiries about IT requirements for the use of ARTL should be addressed to Kevin Ramsay, ARTL Technical Manager, Registers of Scotland, Meadowbank House, 153 London Road, Edinburgh EH8 7AU (LP54 Edinburgh 5; DX 555400 Edinburgh 15; t 0131 200 3935; e
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- Due diligence
- Will less mean better?
- Scottish Solicitors' Discipline Tribunal
- Website reviews
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- Back to the future
- Users' IT requirements for ARTL