March 2006
President's message: The whole profession must be ready to engage with the Executive over the Legal Profession and Legal Aid (Scotland) Bill

Opinion that human rights cannot be taken for granted in Scotland, but need a stronger Commissioner than the Executive currently proposes
Interview with Douglas Mill and communications expert Mandy Haeburn-Little on the Society's new strategy to transform its public image
Graeme McKinstry (pictured) revisits succession planning, and issues which the retiring partner and the firm must each consider well in advance of the leaving date
A reply to concerns over the fairness of the new mental health tribunals, and why the tribunals should be given a chance to show they can work
In this issue
- Mutual trust is the key
- Last man standing
- In the public eye
- The cost of succession (and who pays the price)
- MHTs: take another look
- The profit trend
- Getting a get in Scotland
- Appealing to charity
- It's not broken! So why fix it?
- Rolling back the years
- Clock watching
- Child support: lobby the review
- The ECJ: a growing sphere of competence?
- Bone of contention
- Asbestos: a nasty upset
- The form for selection
- Reshaping sexual offences
- Hunting down the pirates: part 2
- Better bargaining
- Website reviews
- Book reviews
- ARTL: your chance to be heard
- SDLT: new lost forms procedure