September 2006
President's message: words of thanks for dedicated service, and of encouragement to readers to help promote positive change, are top of the agenda this month

Opinion that the effective campaign by local faculties and bar associations over legal aid can be repeated, but longer term success needs a national voice
Professor Norrie replies to the criticisms of LLB teaching in the July issue; Brian Allingham proposes an alternative route to qualification
The problems facing those currently seeking Diploma and traineeship places, in terms of too many graduates chasing too few places
The implications of adopting the non-numeric standard for fingerprint identification
In this issue
- Sincere thanks are due
- From the grass roots
- Training solicitors and teaching law
- Survival of the fittest?
- A new print job
- Plenty more besides
- That's settled, then
- East meets west
- A shot in the arm
- Tapping into CPD Online
- Master trainee
- Glitch hunt, not witch hunt
- A caveat on witnesses
- Victories for tenants?
- On your marks...
- Big bill for business
- Ripple effect
- How fair is fair?
- Scottish Solicitors' Discipline Tribunal
- Website reviews
- Book reviews
- Spinning plates
- Sending the right signals