January 2008
President's message: important changes will take place in 2008, but the Society is already planning for 2010 and beyond in order to keep pace with what it foresees by then

The Scottish Young Lawyers Association calls on all young lawyers to contribute from their experience to the consultation on alternative business structures
Interview with Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill on his view that the profession should produce the blueprint for the future of legal services, and other issues
Settlement negotiations in personal injury cases, and the Pre-Action Protocol, are being undermined by insurers relying on a software program designed to reduce their costs
An update from Registers of Scotland on the pending rollout of Automated Registration of Title to Land
In this issue
- More than just a new year
- Let youth have its say
- "You sort it out"
- A Colossus in the room
- ARTL cometh
- Letter from South Africa
- Lay justice reborn
- Power flows
- Year of the Commission
- Down to brass tacks
- Step up for Brussels office
- Small is doable
- Watching their diets
- 2008: let the fun commence
- Act going to plan
- Preferential treatment?
- Giving it the works
- Scottish Solicitors' Discipline Tribunal
- "Charity begins at home" - but does it?
- Website reviews
- Book reviews
- Freedom has its boundaries
- Pointing which way?
- There may be trouble ahead