February 2008
President's message: the Society's members must have the final say in the policy for the future of the profession and in proposed standards of conduct and service

Opinion that it is possible to regulate the proposed new forms of business structure, but it requires a whole new, and more modern, approach
Interviews with Richard Keen, Colin Boyd and Michael Jones on professional relationships between solicitors and advocates, and possible new career paths
Why the Voluntary Pre-Action Protocol for Personal Injury Cases is not working as it should to encourage early settlement of claims
The Keeper recommends that solicitors use deeds of conditions rather than dispositions to create real burdens, if the burdens are to be mutually enforceable
In this issue
- Members will decide
- Take a firm approach
- Pastures new
- A breach of protocol
- Creating real burdens in developments
- Man with a mission
- A timeless Act
- Cost in a competitive market
- Picking up the pieces
- Summary justice on trial
- Money laundering - the FAQs
- Performance guide
- Getting on the case
- "She stole our data in her underwear!"
- Trust and competence
- So wrong, so long?
- It's oh so quiet...
- Extending adoption rights
- Spirit of the law
- Scottish Solicitors' Discipline Tribunal
- Website reviews
- Book reviews
- Procuring procurement perfection - perhaps
- Repairing the standard