May 2008
President's message: the changing role of the Society is reflected in the issues that dominate the scene this month, beginning with the imminent AGM

All solicitors have an interest to support the project to regulate paralegals, and to take advantage of the scheme finally approved
Author outlines aspects of Islamic Sharia family law and suggests that despite recent controversy, the subject of its recognition by UK courts deserves serious debate
Registers of Scotland announces the first full property transfer using the ARTL system, and provides updates on stamp duty land tax and personal bankruptcy
The round table discussion when experts involved in the charity sector met at the invitation of the Journal and Scott-Moncrieff CA to discuss current issues
In this issue
- Up for the challenge
- Paralegal regulation - why?
- Faith in the law
- ARTL: The Full Monty
- Giving their all
- Full of the joys of spring?
- A backward advance
- Sheriffs behaving badly
- Summary trials: deciding the facts
- Soft law, hard edge?
- Hands-on chief
- A new framework for Europe
- The ABCs of SEO
- Creating an award winning legal website
- This means war
- Feeling the draft?
- Audience on your side
- The reason of age?
- The benefit burden
- Signing away family rights
- Scottish Solicitors' Discipline Tribunal
- Website reviews
- Book reviews
- A better buy
- Tenders: a better way