January 2010
President's message: the challenges that the Society's next office bearers will face - and a promise that your current President isn't finished yet

Letter in response to article in the November 2009 Journal, explaining why there is no absurdity in the renewal provisions
Home reports have helped revive the property market - says a convert
Scrutiny of the Legal Services Bill has given rise to questions about the ABS reforms, and the role of the Law Society of Scotland itself
The Society's third High Street Conference presented a picture of a more stable business outlook, especially in the property market
In this issue
- Forward thinking
- Renewal of transitional guardianships
- End the navel-gazing
- Who speaks for lawyers?
- Reasons to be hopeful
- The full picture
- Hearing and speaking
- Law of unintended consequences
- More prejudicial than probative?
- One giant leap
- If the cap fits
- Half a century of strife
- From the Brussels office
- Law reform update
- Send in the SaaS
- Ask Ash
- Words and sentences
- Two in one
- Enough to turn you to drink
- Uncertain security
- Protections with legs
- Working for the estate
- Home defences
- Splitting from the taxman
- Scottish Solicitors' Discipline Tribunal
- Website review
- Book reviews
- Route to freedom
- Steady as she goes is market forecast