RoS launch business eZine

A new business eZine will shortly be launched by RoS. Its aim is to deliver the latest news on matters affecting our customers and stakeholders.
The eZine, which features an innovative filtering process, is designed to provide highly relevant, sector-specific information in new and exciting ways. The eZine layout presents headline information as well as a list of current features. Sector headings allow users to select their area of interest. Doing this reorders the page, drawing out all of the material relevant to a specific sector. This makes it much easier for users to start with the general material before quickly bringing to the fore items relating to their specialism.
The eZine will offer greater access to video for users who prefer to absorb information in that way. Video items and articles will be regularly updated and the eZine will be a live site. To make sure that subscribers do not miss the important stories, we will issue email alerts when these are live. There will be links to further information and sites that provide supporting material. Throughout the process users will have the opportunity to unsubscribe.
There will be five different ways to view the eZine. The “View all” option does just that, allowing you to see all of the current material, including more general items such as our regular reports on the property market.
“Legal” will include information of particular relevance to solicitors and paralegals. “Finance” will cover material that is highly relevant to the lenders and banks. “Business” will provide items for the search community and for commercial companies using our data. Finally, the “Public Sector” option will feature material of interest to bodies such as Government departments, local authorities, the health service, agencies and Non-Departmental Public Bodies.
Two-way process
Commenting on the function of the new eZine, Isla MacLeod, RoS’ Head of Communications, said: “As the customer base for RoS’ information and registration services continues to grow, it became clear that we needed a regular and quick way to communicate with them. With a number of different sectors to contact, it was important that we didn’t use up their valuable time trawling through material that was of little relevance. That was one of the challenges we put to the eZine developers. The result is an interactive and elegant eZine that allows customers to access information in the format they prefer.
“Of course, we want this contact to be two-way and so the eZine allows users to comment on items and features, and we can respond to their questions and suggestions. This is a major step forward in our aim to be more customer-focused and to deliver products and services that meet customer needs.”
The eZine will be live from the end of February and can be accessed through our website at, with reminders being issued by email when major features are added. We will be canvassing users’ views on the eZine later in 2011.
In this issue
- Mutuality in action
- Tough choices
- Show us the files
- RoS launch business eZine
- Rewards of the job
- Pressure points
- Measure for measure
- Rage against the machine?
- Second bite at the cherry
- Personal injury trusts: benefits and PITfalls
- Countdown for Legal Aid Online
- Training: SYLA will play its part
- Law reform update
- Branding or bragging?
- The learning curve
- Ask Ash
- Mediating retirement
- CICA - a question of timing
- The evidence against
- Fought all the way
- Family friendly
- Stakes too high
- Much ado about plenty
- Limits of authority
- Scottish Solicitors' Discipline Tribunal
- Website review
- Book reviews
- Straight dealing
- Servitudes, developers and flexible rights