ScotLIS update

ScotLIS for business users: development and support
As you will be aware, Scotland’s Land Information Service (ScotLIS) launched in October 2017 and is the product of close collaboration between Registers of Scotland (RoS) and our business customers. On 30 November 2018, the service reached a significant milestone in successfully moving all its business customers from the legacy service Registers Direct to ScotLIS – with the majority making the move well ahead of the deadline. Since then, the team at RoS has continued to refine the service based on business user feedback. Details of these changes can be found in the product updates section on the business user home page.
We’re also continuing to offer guidance and support to help business users get the most from ScotLIS, no matter what their level of experience. For new users we’ve created a tour of the Land Register, which takes the user through the process of searching the Land Register and buying the title information. This can be accessed under the product updates section on the business user home page. Between March and August this year, we’ll be hosting a series of webinars which cover all aspects of the service so that users can master their search. For more details on the webinars, follow our social channels or you can email
Refreshing ScotLIS for members of the public
Over the past year, we’ve been working hard to understand how we can meet rising demands to make our data more accessible for members of the public. That’s why we’re refreshing our ScotLIS offering – making the service simpler to navigate and introducing the option to purchase the title plan and title sheet directly from ScotLIS. Once purchased, the documents will be automatically emailed to the individual, making it quicker and easier than ever before for the public to access this kind of information. As a public register, this information has always been available, but at the moment, members of the public can only request it by going through RoS Customer Services.
In terms of what this means for the legal profession, the changes won’t materially affect people’s roles. It does mean, however, that clients requesting legal advice may have got their information and documents in this new way.
These changes have been informed by months of extensive user research, with the ScotLIS team speaking to over 400 members of the public. The team gained vital insights from a range of methods, from attending various events to pop-ups at shopping centres and libraries across Scotland. They conducted a range of usability testing sessions with dozens of participants, including those with cognitive impairments, to build a clear picture of user needs. The survey on ScotLIS, as well as insights gathered through customer services, also provide the team with rich data on an ongoing basis.
We’re confident that when these changes are implemented, they will make it easier than ever for members of the public to interact with RoS data.
For further updates on ScotLIS and how we’re developing the service, follow our social channels or read our blog:
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