May 2020
Amanda Millar has an unenviable task on becoming President of the Law Society of Scotland, but she is determined not to be swept along by events and to pursue the opportunities she believes will exist

The Society’s committees have faced exceptional challenges in seeking ways to mitigate the effects of the lockdown. We report on some of the significant work to help practitioners
Some updates to the summary in the April Journal of changes in regulation and practice agreed by the Law Society of Scotland in response to the coronavirus restrictions
The response of the Scottish courts to COVID-19 has been compared unfavourably with that in England, where more business has continued. The author tests this view, and suggests some steps forward
Kindness is the focus of Mental Health Awareness Week, which takes place this month. LawCare suggests that in our present situation it should be given additional importance in the legal workplace
For ease of reading on the device of your choice, you can also access this issue of the Journal, presented in its usual page layout, in two formats:
- A PDF file, which you can read online and download if you like to print pages; and
- An interactive online version, hosted on the PageSuite service, which is published in HTML5 which means it works well on both iOS and Android devices.
- Steps to restraining the press
- The CJRS: a developing picture
- COVID-19 and AWI: the Society's blueprint
- Give me liberty or give me an ECHR-compliant lockdown!
- Pensions and the pandemic
- Secure digital signatures: moving forward in a crisis
- PSG: progress during the pandemic
- In-house, from home
- Scottish Solicitors' Discipline Tribunal