The "new normal" legal practice

What will the “new normal” look like for the legal profession in 2020? That technology will play a significant role is self-evident. We are facing protracted social distancing measures in our personal life and workplace, and to get through this we see that people in their social lives and organisations in their day-to-day business life are now, more than ever, adopting technology to help them adapt to the changes and do what they need to do.
Governments across the world are already beginning to consider their lockdown exit strategies. We should be doing the same and planning how to come out of the other side of this dark time stronger, more agile and ready to take our teams, customers and businesses forward.
Making a case for better technology
Just as before the lockdown, every firm owner or managing partner must be able to take the pulse of their business. Now more than ever, you need to know your business KPIs, so that you can make informed, data-driven decisions to drive success and profitability, because, thanks to technology, your competitors certainly will be.
Moreover, you need to look after your team by giving them the right tools to perform to the best of their ability whilst maximising their efficiency.
Our clients tell us we have created a product that can do just that. We called it CaseLoad, because that’s what we were told you want help to manage. But it does so much more than just managing caseloads.
So, what makes CaseLoad special?
A lot!
At Denovo we offer a cloud-based, whole practice management solution, incorporating legal accounts, outsourced cashroom, and practice and case management, designed specifically for modern UK law firms of all sizes, and developed in partnership with law firms to ensure we tackled every pain point.
Additionally, with the introduction of DocuSign you can now complete approvals and agreements in minutes or hours – not days – from almost anywhere in the world, quickly and securely accessing and signing documents.
We recently joined forces with Amiqus ID to create an integration that allows Amiqus to communicate workflows, risk assessments, and client data with CaseLoad. That means you’ll save yourself duplication of effort and time on the admin front and can dedicate it to your clients to provide the level of service that they expect.
We also purchased two Hey Legal licences for all of our new and existing partners to use for a period of 12 months – free of charge. The objective? To give lawyers the opportunity to save money and time, and to introduce new ideas and thinking into the law firms they work with through the diverse topics covered by Hey Legal.
An investment in the future
There is, of course, the concern of a potential economic downturn to consider when making any decision for the future. Inevitably, some firms will have to tighten their belts, looking to cut overhead costs where they can. At this point, many partners may begin to wonder whether paying for technology is the best use of the firm’s money when the focus might be elsewhere. We get it and we empathise with you. That’s why we are here, to help, not to make introducing tech difficult and impossible to afford.
Your investment in the best possible case management software available is well worth it. Once you’ve streamlined your business processes, your quality of service will drastically improve, customer satisfaction will be greater, and, we would hope, business profits will soar.
To learn more about CaseLoad visit, email or call us on 0141 331 5290.
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