8381 results found
Americans are responding to his message to help the country through tough times
The fuller version of the article in Journal, May 2009, 22: Why the measures to limit prisoners' rights are not the best way to achieve reform
Trustees are incurring unnecessary costs in fund management and other charges
President's message: leaving the Presidency after 21 months, Richard Henderson continues to urge solicitors to look and plan ahead for the opportunities that are bound to arise
Members of the Society of Solicitor Advocates believe that the recent judicial criticisms of the regulation of solicitor advocates are misplaced
Crown, defence and the independent Inspectorate contribute to a review of the summary justice reforms a year after they came into force
TV show formats and associated intellectual property rights are reviewed against the making of Slumdog Millionaire
Latest statistics from Registers of Scotland show property sales down by more than half compared with last year, but average prices by less than 10%
New Zealand has a more all-embracing approach to cohabitants' rights than is recognised in Scotland, but the court still has to look carefully at the facts of each case
University medical schools have an increasing demand for bodies left to medical science, but clients needing to offer this need to do more than simply add a sentence to their will
Author argues that the Scottish Government-promoted amendment to the Scotland Act to deal with prisoner litigation is unnecessarily wide and other avenues could have been followed
Judicial attempts to discard the "baggage" of legal interpretation of contracts, and the practical limitations of a fact-based approach
Interview with incoming President, Ian Smart, who brings some clear ideas about how the Law Society of Scotland and its members can advance their interests in challenging times
Chief Executive Lorna Jack's impressions of her first few months
Treasurer's reflections on leaving office after three turbulent years
Recent work of the Society's Law Reform Department, including criminal justice, the "Better Laws Bill" and hybrid bills
The Society's Regulation Liaison Team has a support programme for all sections of the profession in adapting client care policies for the new complaints regime
Introducing Pilotlight Scotland, which brings experienced professionals together to form teams to help other charities develop, and is appealing for more volunteers
The fight against crime and terrorism has led to newly expanded monitoring requirements on communications companies
Advice to someone whose room mate tends to get up their nose
Even in the present market, employers stand to gain much by adopting best practice especially in relation to diversity
How effective file management can provide a potential antidote to claims and complaints
Latest civil cases, including jurisdiction; recovery of documents; diligence; expenses (and caution); res judicata; remit to ordinary cause
A recent Scottish decision provides guidance on the jurisdiction provisions in the Brussels II-bis regulation governing divorce actions