Fellows of the Law Society of Scotland
Derek Allan
Colin Anderson
Christopher Anderson
Lindsay Anderson
James Armstrong
Alison Atack
Craig Bennet
Mike Blair
Iain Bradley
Tommy Bradshaw
Jock Brown
Graeme Bruce
Paul Burns
Ewan Cameron
John Cargill
Frank Clarke
Alastair Clyde
Wendy Colquhoun
Douglas Connell
David Coull
Teddy Davidson
John Donald
Bill Drummond
Sarah Erskine
James Francis
Charles Garland
Ian Kennedy
Gordon Keyden
Gary Landa
Gillian Lemaire
David Lyle
Donald Macdonald
Jane MacEachran
John MacMillan
Moira MacMillan
Jacqueline McRae
Tom Marshall
Linda Masters
Graham Matthews
David McCallum
Christine McLintock
Stuart McNeill
Graeme McWilliams
Robin Millar
Rona Morris
Fiona Mundy
David Nicol
Shirley Phillips
Patricia Quigley
Cameron Ritchie
Gerard Sinclair
Jennifer Sloan
Michael Spence
Audrey Spowart
Graham Weatherston
Eilidh Wiseman
Brian Wood
Fellow membership
Our fellow membership category is designed to help retired members stay involved in the Scottish legal community.