Licensed legal services providers
A Licensed Legal Services Provider (LP) is new type of business which is licensed to provide legal services to the public. It differs from a traditional legal practice because of who can own the LP. Traditional legal practices can only be owned by solicitors who hold a practising certificate (and registered foreign lawyers), whereas LPs can be owned by other non-lawyers.
The aim is to give wider choice to clients and greater flexibility to solicitors as to how legal services are provided. Like traditional law firms, the legal service provided by the LP are regulated, which means clients can expect the same standards of service, advice and consumer protections. The Law Society of Scotland is responsible for regulating of LPs in Scotland.
The creation of LPs became possible under Legal Services (Scotland) Act 2010.
If you have any queries about licensed providers, please contact
Licensed legal services providers update - November 2024
The Law Society of Scotland’s proposed Scheme Rules for licensed legal services providers were approved by the Scottish Government and the Lord President in 2023.
This marked significant progress in the project timeline, however due to a number of external factors we were unable to begin accepting applications in 2023 as originally planned.
As part of our work on the current Regulation of Legal Services (Scotland) Bill, we have suggested a range of amendments to the licensed provider regime. Given the unanticipated delays in the progress of the Bill and the uncertainty around the final scope of regulation, including whether and the degree to which the relevant legislation will be amended, our Regulatory Committee has taken the decision to pause further work on licensed providers.
The Law Society remains a supporter of both the creation of these new types of businesses and of us regulating such entities. However, given the position of the current Bill and the potentially significant changes being made to legal regulation, we believe it sensible to pause our further work on licensed providers until we get the certainty and clarity needed around the final set of reforms being made by Parliament.
We will make further decisions about future timescales after we consider the Bill in its final form.
The LP
What is a Licensed Legal Services Provider?
Who can own and control an LP?
What are the requirements for setting up an LP?
Who regulates LPs?
The Law Society of Scotland is the only approved regulator of LPs in Scotland. Approval was granted on application to the Scottish Government. The legislation limits the number of regulators to three.
What does it mean for clients?
With the introduction of Licensed Legal Providers, clients could expect to have wider access to legal services. Clients will still be able to expect the same standards of service, advice and consumer protection from LPs as they would from solicitor practices.
Is it the same as an ABS in England & Wales?
No, the main difference is that there are no restrictions as to who can own an ABS in England & Wales. They can be 100% owned by non-solicitors.
If an ABS in England & Wales wishes to operate in Scotland, they would have to meet the criteria for creating an LP, which includes the requirement that at least 51% of the ownership is retained by regulated professionals.
Will there be the same level of client protection?
Yes, in respect of the legal services. Part of the regulatory set up for LPs is a robust complaints procedure comparable with the complaints procedure for traditional legal firms. Similarly, all LPs must carry professional indemnity insurance and contribute to the Client Protection Fund.
Must solicitors retain a controlling interest in these new businesses?
Not necessarily – solicitor owners and/or owners from specified regulated professions must retain 51% ownership. These investors are known as Qualifying Investors. See Ownership section
When can I apply?
A launch date is not yet available.
As part of our work on the current Regulation of Legal Services (Scotland) Bill, we have suggested a range of amendments to the licensed provider regime. Given the unanticipated delays in the progress of the Bill and the uncertainty around the final scope of regulation, including whether and the degree to which the relevant legislation will be amended, our Regulatory Committee has taken the decision to pause further work on licensed providers.
The Law Society remains a supporter of both the creation of these new types of businesses and of us regulating such entities. However, given the position of the current Bill and the potentially significant changes being made to legal regulation, we believe it sensible to pause our further work on licensed providers until we get the certainty and clarity needed around the final set of reforms being made by Parliament.
We will make further decisions about future timescales after we consider the Bill in its final form.
Can an LP be publicly listed?
No, the restrictions around ownership do not allow for LPs to be floated on the stock market.
Can a law centre or a charity become a licensed provider?
No, the legislation does not allow for law centres or charities to become licensed providers.

Regulation and compliance
As the professional body and regulator for Scotland's solicitor profession we assure the quality of legal services and protect the public interest. Find out more about our regulatory work.