Stigma around mental health has improved, the attitudes and behaviours towards people with common mental health problems has changed over the years to be less negative. However, there is still work to be done. The Mental Health Strategy for Scotland was created in 2017 with a ten year vision to create a society where stigma and discrimination is challenged.
The Mental Health Foundation have stated that nearly nine out of ten people with mental health problems have been negatively affected by stigma and discrimination. More information on the impact can be found on the Mental Health Foundation website.
We are very fortunate to have See Me in Scotland, they completed ‘The Scottish Mental Illness Stigma Study’ in 2022 and explored how mental health and related stigma crosses all boundaries. Mental health impacts certain people differently and there are mental health inequalities. For more information read the Health inequalities: briefing 10 Mental health.
The key to positive mental wellbeing in the profession is fostering a positive emotional culture. LawCare discuss the ways in which you can adopt a positive culture.

See Me resources
See Me’s Starter Pack and See Me in Work portal are excellent resources to help organisations sign up to the change process. They also have a self-assessment toolkit to evaluate where you are and how to move forward.
How do you challenge behaviours?
See Me worked with Stigma Free Lanarkshire to create a guide to Challenging Stigmatising Behaviours.
You may consider establishing a Mental Health Champions Scheme in your organisation, these members of staff work alongside your HR or Health and Safety provision to help encourage positive mental health and challenge stigma within the workforce. Mind’s Influence and Participation Toolkit has tools and templates to help engage with people with mental health problems in a meaningful way.
Change Mental Health a Scottish based charity delivers Mental Health Champion training where participants learn about promoting positive mental health and creating mentally healthy workplaces.
The Mindful Business Charter (MBC) is a landmark initiative aiming to create healthier and more effective working environments through removing sources of unnecessary stress. The Charter is the result of a collaborative research exercise between leading law firms and banks and is designed to be both commercial and responsible.