Justice Secretary pays tribute as Commission marks 50th birthday
The Scottish Law Commission marked its 50th anniversary today with a celebration cake and a visit from the Cabinet Secretary for Justice, Michael Matheson.
Along with the Law Commission for England & Wales, the Commission was established by the Law Commissions Act 1965, which took effect on 15 June 1965.
In its first 50 years the Commission has produced some 159 discussion papers and 243 reports with recommendations for reform, many accompanied by draft legislation. Some reports have been joint projects with its sister Law Commissions. Many of its proposals have been enacted, by the UK Parliament and by the Scottish Parliament.
On his visit the Justice Secretary said: “Today is a significant anniversary for the Scottish Law Commission, marking 50 years since the day on which the Law CommissionsAct 1965 took effect. We greatly value the law reform work of the Commission, which through the years has consistently offered independent advice to Government to improve and update the law of Scotland to fit the needs of society. I extend my congratulations to the chair, commissioners and staff on this occasion.”
The chairman, currently Lord Pentland, replied: “For half acentury the Scottish Law Commissionhas been an independent voice, ensuring that Scots law has kept pace with a rapidly changing society. All our work is based on close engagement with people and organisations at the sharp end of legal developments, in this country and across the world.
We remain committed to reforming our law to make sure itis just, principled and in tune with modern times. We are grateful to the Cabinet Secretary for honouring the Commission by his visit today, which symbolises our strong relationship with the Scottish Government and the Scottish Parliament.”