OPG fees to rise from 1 April
Fees payable to the Office of the Public Guardian for most applications in relation to powers of attorney will rise from 1 April, the OPG has reminded solicitors.
Under SSI 2015/260, which sets the fees for each year up to 2017-18, in broad terms fees currently below £20 will remain unchanged from 1 April, higher fees up to £80 will rise by £1, fees currently between £80 and £120 will rise by £2, with bigger increases applying above £120.
The OPG has also announced a change in its policy for provision of leaflets. Since 2001 it has provided the "What is..." range of leaflets free of charge, regardless of the quantity sought, but this position is "no longer sustainable". As from 1 April 2016, multiple copies of these leaflets will not be available. A4 downloadable versions of the leaflets are available from the website www.publicguardian-scotland.gov.uk/, for customers wishing to print multiple copies.