SYLA appeals for committee volunteers as AGM date set
The Scottish Young Lawyers' Association has appealed for members to offer their services on its committee as it announced the date of this year's annual general meeting.
Elections will take place at the meeting, to be held on Thursday 17 May 2018 at Brodies LLP in Edinburgh, from 6pm.
Also at the AGM, the President will report on the year's activities and the treasurer will present accounts. Any amendments to the constitution will also be moved and voted on.
The SYLA says its committee has always been lucky to attract hardworking, innovative and dedicated young lawyers who volunteer to give something back to the profession.
It needs people who are good at organising events, PR and media, design, advertising and IT and communications. "We are uniquely placed to address representation issues and politics surrounding the law and if this interests you then we would love to have you on board."
Committee members are expected to organise approximately 3-4 events per term, along with assisting the rest of the committee with other events, Monthly meetings are held by video link.
The committee comprises a president, vice president, treasurer and secretary as well as seven non-executive committee positions. "Competition to join the committee is high so it is strongly recommended that you attend the AGM where possible", the SYLA said.
To submit your nomination in advance of the AGM, please email to request a nomination form. Nominations can also be made at the meeting. If there are more candidates than positions, each candidate will be asked to say a few words about themselves and why they want to join the committee before AGM attendees take a vote.