Women in Law Scotland network announces "soft launch" events
Women in Law Scotland, the new network for the legal profession in Scotland, has announced two "soft launch" pre-Christmas drinks evenings for the network, ahead of its planned formal launch early next year.
Aimed at lawyers and paralegals in private practice and in-house, irrespective of the size of firm and specialism, the main aims of the network are to promote gender equality in the Scottish legal profession and to create a forum for networking, sharing ideas and best practice. It also hopes to create a platform to provide peer support and access to role models and mentors.
The founders are Davinia Cowden, Iona Hunter and Emma Boffey, all lawyers at CMS Cameron McKenna. They invite all fellow professionals interested in being a part of the network to the drinks events (with welcome drinks sponsored by CMS). These are:
26 November at Virginia Court in the Merchant City, Glasgow, between 6pm and 9pm (click here to register)
3 December at The Makar’s Rest, North Bank Street, Edinburgh, between 6pm and 9pm (click here to register)