Bernard Savage
Bernard Savage’s career is a game of two halves. In the first half he worked in blue-chip companies, Procter & Gamble and Shell. The second half led to Tenandahalf when, after an in-house role at Eversheds, Bernard saw an opportunity to help ’smarter’ professional service firms. These firms understand that just having good technical practitioners isn’t enough to be commercially successful.
As a specialist marketing and business development agency helping professional service firms grow, Tenandahalf has worked since 2005 with more than 100 law firms, IP practices, alliances and networks, and barrister chambers throughout the UK and internationally.
Tenandahalf help practices of all sizes and profiles to improve the ‘top and bottom line’ through strategic and tactical BD support, group training, 1on1 coaching, creating content and client research.
CPD & Training with Bernard Savage: