Ian Jones
Photo credit Jo Scott
For over thirty years in both private practice and in-house, Ian has been involved in major projects and transactions that carried significant consequences for his clients and organisations. He has been a General Counsel and Company Secretary as well as a senior manager and lawyer at companies such as BT, BP and Thomson Reuters.
He has taught lawyers and others legal risk management for a number of years. His approach is practical, but also looks at risk as more than managing by algorithms and checklists. His humane approach encompasses culture, ethics and human behaviour has given numerous delegates a deeper insight into this vital and fascinating subject.
Ian is the author of Butterworth’s In-House Lawyers Handbook.
CPD & Training with Ian Jones:

Online mandatory risk management CPD for private practice and in-house solicitors.

Watch our In-house Best Practice Course 2022 On-demand. This course is specifically designed for those who have recently moved in-house in both the public and private sectors, and aims to support and guide new in-house solicitors or those going into a solo legal counsel role or a small in-house team.

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This course builds on the Risk Management and Governance Certification Course and provides recertification.

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The course does not require a risk management background and promotes an easily accessible approach to risk decision making. It is suitable for both in-house lawyers and those who manage risk in private practice.

Watch our speakers cover key legal updates and strategic insight, as well as a practical debate facilitated by leading in-house counsel.

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As part of your mandatory risk management CPD training, we offer the following one hour session on Introduction to Risk Management . Our speaker, Ian Jones, Director from Compl-x will provide you with a comprehensive overview of risks within the legal profession and teach you the practical skills to manage them accordingly.

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Join us in August for a lunchtime webinar on strategic risk management designed for partners in law firms. This webinar will ensure that you are well-equipped to prepare for strategic risks, and that you have the skills necessary to protect your business.

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Join us in September for a comprehensive webinar on risk and professional standards. This webinar is designed for all legal professionals seeking advice on the best practice for upholding professional standards in order to mitigate risks in their day-to-day practice.

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Are you looking to progress your in-house career? Advance your skills and learn more about career progression from experienced in-house lawyers and colleagues of the Law Society of Scotland.

Watch our speaker for an introduction to risk management. This webinar will provide you with a comprehensive overview of risks within the legal profession and teach you the practical skills to manage them accordingly.

Watch our speaker on strategic risk management designed for partners in law firms. This webinar will ensure that you are well-equipped to prepare for strategic risks, and that you have the skills necessary to protect your business.

Watch our speakers for a comprehensive webinar on risk and professional standards. This webinar is designed for all legal professionals seeking advice on the best practice for upholding professional standards in order to mitigate risks in their day-to-day practice.