Lianne Lodge
With over 15 years’ experience, Lianne is well versed in advising individuals and charities on a breath of issues that may affect them.
Known for being very approachable and providing accessible and practical advice, Lianne enjoys the problem-solving aspect of her role and helps individuals and charities alike to put in place the legal requirements that will help them achieve their goals.
While advising individuals Lianne, helps with a wide range of personal, legal and tax issues including wills, Powers of Attorney, Guardianships and asset protection, she has a special interest in advising post retirement clients and has a wealth of practical, as well as legal knowledge in relation to care fee planning and the operation of Powers of Attorney.
On the charity side, Lianne advises on a range of governance and structure matters including set ups, reorganisations, amalgamations and cross border issues. Her approach in keeping matters simple but effective has proved successful for her clients.
CPD & Training with Lianne Lodge: