Morna Grandison
Morna Grandison BSC Tep joined the Law Society of Scotland in 1994 to take on the Judicial Factory appointments made by the Court of Session in terms of the Solicitors (Scotland) Act 1980. - Cases where the Law Society of Scotland have concern that a claim on the Scottish Solicitors Guarantee Fund may arise as a result of the dishonesty of a solicitor. Morna has been involved with the complex fraud investigations on solicitors’ firms for the past fifteen years, and has prepared reports to the prosecuting authorities in the cases in which she has been involved. Morna has extensive experience in all aspects of the mortgage fraud process and sits on the Scottish Business Crime Centre’s Fraud Sub Group. Morna has been involved with a special mapping project looking at the various stages of the Mortgage Process and the areas that can be worked on to reduce the risk of fraud.