Navraj Singh Ghaleigh
My primary research focus is on climate law, often from an interdisciplinary perspective and occasionally co-authored with non-lawyers and/or practitioners. Interests range across regulatory regimes (recent writings on the Paris Agreement are here and here), regions (e.g. Asia, and EU), institutions (UK Supreme Court, Export Credit Agencies, UNFCCC), technologies (CCS), and legal approaches/practices (Just Transitions, theory, and definitions). My teaching reflects these interests, in particular the LLM propgramme GECC which I direct, and on which I currently teach the following courses (Climate Change Litigation, International Climate Change Law). Finally, I am deeply involved in the translation of climate research into policy. I am a long time member of the global research network, Climate Strategies, and since 2020 have chaired its Board. Climate Strategies has over 90 members and offices in London and The Hague.
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