Guidance for non Scottish-domiciled students
'Non Scottish-domiciled students' refers to anyone studying in Scotland, but whose home address in outside Scotland. We advise that you contact the relevant student funding agency in your home country for information about funding your education, or the Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS) for more information.
Getting a visa during the route to qualification
If you want to become a Scottish solicitor, you must complete the full route to qualification in Scotland. As this includes the traineeship, which is a period of work-based learning, you will need to apply for a different visa once your Student visa has come to an end.
Read our guidance note for non Scottish-domiciled students, to help you understand the considerations you need to make when applying for a visa to complete your studies to become a Scottish solicitor.
Rest of UK (rUK) students
You need to ensure that you are satisfied that you are able to access funding for your education and you understand what you will be eligible for at each stage of your education.
rUK students will be required to pay the relevant tuition fees at universities and may be eligible to receive loans or alternative financial support from their local funding bodies for the LLB. For the Diploma in Professional Legal Practice, rUK students may not be entitled to receive any financial assistance from their local funding body. It is essential that rUK students fully understand their financial situation before undertaking the route to qualifying as a Scottish solicitor.
For further information, we recommend that you use the UK Government website to identify your eligibility for financial support.