Required CPD for Trainees
Required CPD for trainees (commonly referred to as "Trainee CPD" or "TCPD") is structured learning that is undertaken in addition to a trainee’s office commitments. This learning supports trainees to achieve competence in the PEAT 2 outcomes. The term "TCPD" is used throughout this webpage.
Over the course of the two year traineeship (or the three year non-PEAT 1 traineeship), all trainees must undertake a minimum of 60 hours of TCPD:
- a minimum of 40 hours must be from an authorised provider. The remaining hours can come from an authorised or a provider who isn't authorised, but it must still be relevant to the PEAT 2 outcomes; and
- between months 9 and the end of a traineeship, all trainees must undertake the Mandatory Ethics Course (“MEC”) with an authorised provider.
- the compulsory advocacy course that is required for "early admission" (after 3 months but before 1 year) does not count towards your TCPD total.
The Law Society also advises that a minimum of 30 hours should normally be completed by month 15, but this is not required.
A list of providers who have been authorised by the Society is further down this webpage.
Whether you are applying for early admission or for admission after the first year of training, no minimum TCPD hours are required. However, there are other early admission requirements.
What is TCPD?
TCPD is structured learning undertaken over and above the office commitments of trainee solicitors with a view to such learning assisting the achievement of the PEAT 2 Outcomes and the 'standard of the qualifying solicitor'. The PEAT 2 Outcomes are learning outcomes set out by the Society and encompass professionalism, professional communication, professional ethics and standards, and business, commercial and practice awareness. Substantive and relevant legal knowledge underpins all of the PEAT 2 Outcomes.
What activities count as TCPD?
The following activities could count as TCPD:
- Courses, seminars, lectures
- Role plays, workshops, simulated transactions and case studies
- Conferences
- Briefings
- Online learning and distance learning courses
TCPD can focus on skills (e.g. negotiation skills, advocacy, presentation skills), on legal knowledge (e.g. any knowledge update relevant to a trainee's practice), on ethics or on business, commercial, financial and practice awareness.
What is authorised TCPD?
This is CPD that is specifically designed for trainees. The list of providers of authorised TCPD is further down this page.
Please note although that these providers may offer general CPD for solicitors as well as authorised required CPD for trainees; so make sure the session you are signing up to is definitely authorised required CPD for trainees. If in doubt, contact the provider to clarify before signing up.
If a provider says it provides required CPD for trainees and it does not appear on the list of providers on this page, the course will not count as authorised required CPD for trainees. However, you can count it towards your non-authorised allocation.
What does non-authorised TCPD mean?
Up to 20 hours of required CPD for trainees can come from non-authorised sources, which means those that don't appear on the authorised required CPD for trainees providers list further down this page.
There are many private organisations which offer very good required CPD for trainees which would be of benefit to trainees. Some examples are local faculties, advocates' stables or other professional bodies (eg ICAS, RICS etc). Some firms and employers may offer internal required CPD for trainees, or specific trainee-targeted required CPD for trainees while not being an authorised provider. These sessions could count towards a trainee's non-authorised required CPD.
Non-authorised required CPD for trainees should be recorded in the same way, should be able to be verified and should focus on the PEAT 2 outcomes.
Can I count reading or private study as part of my required CPD for trainees?
No. Personal study is expected as part of the traineeship and background reading prior to required CPD for trainees events may be very useful. However, reading cannot count towards authorised required CPD for trainees provision or for non-authorised required CPD for trainees provision, as it is not verifiable.
Can my firm offer required CPD for trainees to its own trainees?
A firm or organisation which takes trainees can apply for authorisation to offer the minimum of 40 hours' required CPD for trainees as an authorised provider. If a firm or organisation does not feel that becoming an authorised provider of required CPD for trainees is an option for them, it is still possible for them to offer up to 20 hours of non-authorised provision to its trainees. For example, if a firm ran update sessions on certain areas of law for all staff then this could be counted be as non-authorised required CPD for trainees. It is important to note that, in order to be able to count as non-authorised required CPD for trainees, such sessions must still be focused on the PEAT 2 outcomes, be recorded in the same way and be able to be verified.
It is possible for any firm or organisation to offer the up to 20 hours of non-authorised provision to its trainees.
How must I record my required CPD for trainees?
You are required to log any required CPD for trainees that you undertake during your traineeship as part of your PEAT 2 record.
How is required CPD for trainees monitored?
It will be the responsibility of you and your training solicitor to identify appropriate required CPD for trainees to support your development and achievement of the PEAT 2 outcomes. You will be responsible for logging completed required CPD for trainees through the PEAT 2 record. Authorised providers of required CPD for trainees will supply us with attendance lists for required CPD for trainees events and your record will be checked against the authorised provider's list. An automated process in the database will check that required CPD for trainees details are being entered and emails will be issued to you at key points during the two-year contract to ensure that at least the minimum of 60 hours' required CPD for trainees is completed.
What are the penalties for not completing the required CPD for trainees?
The requirement for trainees to undertake required CPD for trainees is part of the Admission as a Solicitor (Scotland) Regulations 2019. Therefore, failure to comply with these requirements may result in you not being admitted as solicitor. For trainees seeking to be admitted following the first year of their traineeship, a minimum of 20 hours of required CPD for trainees must have been undertaken.
A trainee may not be discharged until they have completed the required CPD for trainees requirements. If for any reason you suspect that you may not be able to comply with the required CPD for trainees requirements, please contact us as soon as possible.
Providers of Authorised TCPD
The tables below contain lists of all of the organisations that are currently authorised by us to deliver TCPD, including the Mandatory Ethics Course.
Some of these organisations have a specific TCPD offering and only specific courses from that provider will be able to count as authorised TCPD. Those organisations may also offer CPD for qualified solicitors alongside their TCPD provision. However, that provision will only be able to count for non-authorised TCPD.
Alternatively, some providers will allow you to access their full CPD offering and it will be for you to identify which courses are appropriate to your learning. These providers will often “badge” certain courses as TCPD specific courses.
You should always confirm with a provider whether your course will be able to count as authorised TCPD.
Authorised Trainee CPD Providers
Carlton Legal Services | - 0141 530 1358 |
CCPD Training | - 0141 314 3682 |
CLT Scotland, part of The University of Law | - 0141 225 6700 |
Clan Child Law | - 0808 129 0522 |
Glasgow Bar Association | - 0141 420 6142 |
Kinch Robinson | - 0114 273 8300 |
Lawscot TCPD | - 0131 476 8201 |
Legal Services Agency | - 0141 354 1274 |
Morton Fraser MacRoberts LLP | - 0131 247 1031 |
Registers of Scotland | - 0800 169 9391 |
Royal Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow incorporating TANQ | – 0141 332 3593 |
Scottish Law Agents Society | - 0141 332 3536 |
Scottish Young Lawyers Association | |
University of Edinburgh School of Law | - 0131 650 9476 |
University of Glasgow School of Law | |
WS Society | - 0131 225 0659 |
Mandatory Ethics Course Providers
Blackadders LLP | - 01382 229222 |
CCPD Training | - 0141 314 3682 |
CLT Scotland, part of The University of Law | - 0141 225 6700 |
Glasgow Bar Association | - 0141 420 6142 |
Kinch Robinson | - 0114 273 8300 |
Lawscot TCPD | - 0131 370 1970 |
Legal Services Agency | - 0141 354 1274 |
Royal Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow | - 0141 332 3593 |
Scottish Law Agents Society | - 0141 332 3536 |
Scottish Young Lawyers Association | |
University of Edinburgh School of Law | - 0131 650 9476 |
University of Glasgow School of Law | |
WS Society | - 0131 225 0659 |
PEAT 2 Licences
In order to deliver authorised TCPD or the Mandatory Ethics Course to their own trainees, a practice unit or organisation needs to be licenced by the Law Society of Scotland. These licences are optional. The different licences are:
- Internal TCPD Licence - This is for firms and practice units that wish to offer authorised TCPD to their own trainees.
- External TCPD Licence - This is for practice units or other providers of training (e.g. private providers, universities, local faculties) that wish to offer authorised TCPD externally.
- Mandatory Ethics Course Licence - This is for practice units or other providers of training (e.g. private providers, universities, local faculties) that wish to offer the mandatory ethics course to either their own trainees or to those of other practice units.
Additionally, providers can apply for a PQPR licence. This is for organisations who wish to use their own performance management systems instead of the Law Society's PEAT 2 quarterly performance review system.
The licensing process exists to ensure the standards of TCPD and PQPRs as a key component of PEAT 2. It also imposes conditions on licenced providers.
Licence Standards
Any provider who is seeking a licence to deliver Authorised TCPD, the MEC or to use their own performance review systems must demonstrate that their courses/systems and administration meet the following standards.
TCPD Standards
Standard 1: Support achievement of the PEAT 2 Outcomes - TCPD must support the achievement of the PEAT 2 Outcomes and The Standard of The Qualifying Solicitor.
Standard 2: Programme information - Programme information/ materials should specify:
- Clearly defined aims and learning outcomes.
- Course content.
- The target audience (e.g. new starts, 1st/ 2nd year trainees) and assumed prior knowledge/experience.
- Suggested readings and future learning support (if applicable)
Standard 3: Course materials - course materials must be clearly organised, up-to-date, accurate and comprehensive. It should be made clear to trainees how the materials will be used (for example, for background reading, future reference or use during the course). Course materials should include:
- A timetable;
- Relevant cases, legislation or regulation; and
- Details of the presentation method and any suggested further reading.
Standard 4: Be pitched at an appropriate level to trainees - The content of a course should meet the aims and intended learning outcomes of the course, should be up-to-date and accurate and relevant to level of the target trainees and their work.
Standard 5: Course Tutors and Speakers - Tutors/speakers must:
- Have qualifications or experience relevant to delivering the course.
- Possess practical skills for effective presentation.
- Be able to facilitate discussions and answer questions appropriately.
- Be a fit and proper person to deliver the course.
Providers may use their own staff or external speakers to present.
Standard 6: Delivery methods – TCPD can be delivered by/through use of:
- Courses, seminars, lectures
- Role plays, workshops, simulated transactions and case studies
- Conferences
- Briefings
- Online learning and distance learning courses
The method of presentation used should be relevant to trainees' needs and course aims and should be thoughtfully varied to support learning.
Standard 7: Trainee Interaction - However delivered, courses should include opportunities for interaction.
Standard 8: Course venue and accommodation - The venue should offer:
- Accessible facilities.
- An appropriate room layout, considering the course aims, delivery and presentation methods and the number of trainees attending.
- Appropriate audio-visual or sound equipment and internet access, if required.
Standard 9: Administration - Providers must ensure:
- A nominated person to deal with enquiries.
- The provision of advice on appropriate courses.
- Effective attendance record-keeping.
Standard 10: Verifiability - Providers must record the attendance of trainees on their courses and must be able to provide proof of that attendance to both the trainee and the Society.
Standard 11: Feedback and Evaluation - Providers must have a system in place that:
- Collects feedback from trainees on course quality and whether courses met the standards set out above.
- Analyses feedback received.
Standard 12: Additional Mandatory Ethics Course Standard - The Mandatory Ethics Course must be at least four hours long and cover the content set out in Appendix B.
PQPR Standards
Over the course of the two years of PEAT 2, all trainees should typically undertake 8 quarterly performance reviews. Those reviews must:
- Be based on the PEAT 2 Outcomes, allowing a trainee’s achievement of the PEAT 2 Outcomes to be measured over the course of two years, with the ultimate goal being attainment of the standard of the qualifying solicitor.
- Allow reflection on the previous quarter, including progress on any development needs previously identified, through work allocation and TCPD undertaken since.
- Focus on the development needs of a trainee and, from that, form the basis of work allocation and the identification of suitable TCPD for the upcoming quarter(s).
Licence Conditions
The following conditions apply to all licences, whether for TCPD or quarterly reviews.
Licensing period and conditions
The licensing period is two years from the date specified by the Education and Training (Standards Setting) Sub-committee. However, in order to manage the licencing process, the Sub-committee may vary that period.
In relation to all licences, providers undertake to:
- Notify the Society, in writing, of any changes to the business address or the nominated contact person; and
- Comply with any other reasonable request from the Society, in relation to the licence, the provision of TCPD or the use of their own review systems by the licenced provider.
In relation to all TCPD licences, providers also undertake to:
- Only offer courses that meet the criteria laid down in this document;
- Review their provision, at least, annually.
- Maintain a list of TCPD courses they deliver and submit a copy of the list to the Society, on request and within a reasonable timeframe;
- Maintain a record of the names of trainees who have attended their courses and:
- If an internal provider, submit copies of a trainee’s attendance records when that trainee is due to qualify; or
- If an external provider, submit copies of the attendance records to the Society, on request and within a reasonable timeframe;
- In relation to the MEC only, submit to the Society any changes to the specified tutors, as soon as such changes occur.
In relation to all PQPR licences, providers also undertake to:
- Undertake performance reviews in line with the system set out in their application and which meet the terms of this licence.
- Alert the Society, promptly, if there are concerns that a trainee may not meet the standard of the qualifying solicitor.
- Submit a quarterly report to the Society, in a form approved by the Society, on each trainee’s performance, at the point that the trainee is applying for discharge of their training contract.
Licensing Conditions – monitoring and the investigation of complaints
In addition to the above conditions, a provider must also, without charge to the Society, co-operate with the monitoring of standards by the Society. Whether because the Society is investigating a complaint connected to a licence or is undertaking a random monitoring exercise, providers must, on reasonable request and where relevant to their licence:
- Provide details of forthcoming TCPD courses.
- Provide TCPD course materials, whether current or forthcoming.
- Provide TCPD sample feedback for any course run in the previous 12 months.
- Provide a trainee’s individual performance reviews or reflective learning log.
- Submit a critical self-review to the Society.
- Enable the Society to:
- speak to course tutors, reviewers, HR staff and/or trainees about the quality of TCPD courses or PQPR systems; or
- attend a TCPD course.
- Permit the Society to undertake at least one monitoring visit during the authorisation period.
Termination of a licence
In its sole discretion, the Society may terminate a licence if there is evidence that course provision does not meet the TCPD or PQPR licensing standards or where a condition of the licence is not being met. The Society will typically allow a provider a reasonable period of time to rectify any issue that is identified, prior to exercising this right.
Providers may also terminate their licence at any time by notification in writing to the Education and Training Department of the Law Society of Scotland. Following termination of a licence, a provider will require to re-apply for a new licence.
Apply for a TCPD or PQPR Licence
Use the following links to make an initial licence application or a renewal application.
An initial PQPR licence costs £525. All other licences currently cost £365.
Applications should be returned to