Updated in March 2017
This is an update of recommendations first issued by the Law Society in 2011, with the assistance of independent consultants, EW Group. The first edition followed research – commissioned by the Society and undertaken by EW Group – on the prevalence of bullying and harassment in the legal sector. The research underpinning the first edition of the guidance is available here: Preventing Bullying and Harassment in the Profession.
This edition has been updated by the Law Society to take into account developments in this sector and to reflect changes in the support and resources available since the first edition was published.
Bullying and harassment in the legal profession
Workplace bullying and the consequences of that for individuals and businesses in the UK can be severe. Legal excellence requires a well-motivated and fairly treated workforce.
This guide serves the needs of members by providing practical and relevant advice, and sources of support to individual and employers, so that they can prevent bullying and harassment occurring and deal effectively with any instances which do occur.
What can individuals and/or employees do?
Identify early warning signs. Identify options and decide a course of action. Be aware of and use available resources and support.
What can firms or employers do?
Learn about the issue of bullying and harassment. Provide training especially for managers. Build a workplace culture of effective response to complaints.
Model policies
Two examples of bullying and harassment policies adapted from Skills Development Scotland and CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development).
Resources to help employers and individuals prevent bullying and harassment.
Further information
For further information, please contact:
Elaine MacGlone
Education, Training and Qualifications
Law Society of Scotland
DD: 0131 226 8887