Our responses to consultations
With the invaluable contribution and support of our network of committee volunteers, we respond to consultations and requests for comment on a broad range of subject matters and from a range of organisations, most frequently, the Scottish Parliament and Government.
The aim of this important work is to influence policy and help shape good law in the best interests of our members and the clients they serve. Find out more via the links below.
Our committees
Our committees carry out valuable work looking at a range of issues to do with improving the law and legal practice.
Our input to parliamentary bills
To help shape good law, we regularly provide responses and briefings related to bills from Holyrood and Westminster.
Influencing the law and policy
One of the main functions of our policy team, along with our network of volunteers, is to analyse and respond to proposed changes in the law.
Legal aid
Find out about legal aid in Scotland and the types of situations where an individual may be eligible to receive legal aid.