Access to Justice
Consultation on the Simple Procedure Rules - June 2018
The Scottish Civil Justice Council has issued a consultation on Consultation on simple procedure, the rules and forms for which are contained within the Act of Sederunt (Simple Procedure) 2016.
- View the consultation on the Scottish Civil Justice Council website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (June 2018)
Consultation on Scottish Court Fees 2018-2021 - January 2018
The Scottish Government has issued a consultation on Scottish Court Fees 2018-21
- View the consultation on the Scottish Government website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (January 2018)
Access to Justice Committee
Promotes access to justice for the public and identifies barriers to access to justice and, where possible, identifies or implements solutions.
Our input to parliamentary bills
To help shape good law, we regularly provide responses and briefings related to bills from Holyrood and Westminster.
Influencing the law and policy
One of the main functions of our policy team, along with our network of volunteers, is to analyse and respond to proposed changes in the law.