Contract and Delict law
In 2018, the Scottish Law Commission published a Report on Review of Contract Law: Formation, Interpretation, Remedies for Breach, and Penalty Clauses.
The Scottish Government consultation sought views on whether circumstances have changed since the Report was published and whether the views previously expressed still hold.
The UK Space Agency consultation on Orbital Liabilities, Insurance, Charging and Space Sustainability, sought views on a proposal for a variable liability limit approach to setting insurance requirements for satellite operations , which would implement a world-first approach whereby the liability limits for satellite operators’ missions would be determined by operators’ implementation of measures against a number of policy areas which the UK Government wishes to promote as part of its emerging sustainability agenda.
- Find out more on the UK Government website
- Read our response
The Scottish Government has issued a consultation on proposed commencement regulations under the Prescription (Scotland) Act 2018
- The Law Society's response - October 2020
The Scottish Government has issued a consultation exploring aspects of the Scottish Law Commission’s recommendations in their report on defamation and accompanying draft bill, to ensure that any reform to defamation law is fully tested.
- View the consultation on the Scottish Government's website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (April 2019)
The Law Commission and Scottish Law Commission have issued a consultation on the draft Insurable Interest Bill.
- View the consultation on the Scottish Law Commission website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (October 2018)
The Scottish Law Commission (SLC) has issued a consultation on a working draft of a Bill on the formation of contract law prior to publishing a final draft Bill on formation and a final report (on formation, interpretation, penalty clauses and remedies for breach) in 2018.
- View the draft Bill and accompanying papers on the SLC website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (November 2017)
The Scottish Law Commission (SLC) has issued a consultation on a working draft of a Bill on Defamation and Malicious Publications prior to publishing a final draft Bill and report later this year.
- View the draft Bill and accompanying papers on the SLC website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (September 2017)
The Scottish Law Commission (SLC) has issued a consultation on it's discussion paper on remedies for breach of contract.
- View the discussion paper on the SLC website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (October 2017)
The Scottish Law Commission's project on aspects of the law of prescription is in its final stages. The Commission has issued a consultation before the draft Bill is finalised and published with a report in Summer 2017.
- View more information on the project on the SLC website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (March 2017)
James Dornan MSP has issued a consultation on his proposal for a Bill to make Scottish professional football clubs strictly liable for their supporters' behaviour.
- View the consultation on the Scottish Parliament website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (March 2017)
The Scottish Law Commission (SLC) has issued a consultation on their Discussion Paper on Penalty Clauses.
- View the consultation on the SLC website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (March 2017)
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