Our Expert Witness Directory helps members source expert witnesses, professional witnesses, and judicial experts across a wide range of specialisms.
All our listed individuals and companies have demonstrated their experience and ability in providing expert witness services through an application process and professional references (see the checking process for more details) and have agreed to our code of practice. Many also have specific training in report writing and giving evidence in court.
You can either download the full Expert Witness Directory or use our search tool to filter by specialist area and location.
Expert Witness Directory 2024
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Important information to note
The Law Society of Scotland accepts no responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage arising from use of this directory by any person, including, for the avoidance of doubt, loss or damage arising from any lack of competence or probity, or the negligence of any expert listed herein. All persons who use this directory do so entirely at their own risk and the Law Society of Scotland does not warrant the credentials of the individuals concerned nor that the information contained herein is complete or accurate.
This directory has been created solely for use by the legal profession and is not a consumer guide to provision of specialist services. It contains details of individuals who may be prepared to act as expert witnesses but it is incumbent on all legal professionals to exercise all professional skill and judgement when choosing and instructing any expert witness.