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Session One: Legal Tech in Scottish Legal Systems
09:00 Registration, exhibition and refreshments
09:30 Welcome and Introduction
09:35 Opening Keynote
10:20 What Does Labour’s ‘AI Opportunities Action Plan’ Entail for the Scottish Legal Sector?
11:00 Speed Showcase
11:10 Refreshments, exhibition and networking
Session Two: Tech Tailored to Your Practice
11:40 Mitigating Risk in Technology Implementation
12:20 Transition to Breakout Rooms
12:30 - 13:10 Breakouts: Tech Tailored to Your Practice
Reimagining Your Workload in a Change Resistant System
Breakout 1
A Step Ahead: Technological Advances for In-House Lawyers
Breakout 2
Implementing Technology : Advice for Smaller and High Street Firms
Breakout 3
13:10 Lunch, exhibition and networking
Session Three: Change the Culture
14:10 The Role of Start Ups in Legal Tech (and Why Your Organisation Should Care)
14:40 Transition to Breakout Rooms
14:50 - 15:30 Breakouts: Technology in Your Organisation’s Culture
Title TBC
Breakout 1
Why Trainees Should have Mandatory Tech Training
Breakout 2
15:30 Transition to Main Plenary
15:40 Closing Keynote: AI as a Force for Good

Keynote Speaker
Dr Diane Gutiw PhD
16:25 Closing Remarks
16:30 End of Conference