SPONSORED: Moveable Transactions (Scotland) Act 2023 CPD from Edinburgh Law Seminars
Andrew Steven, Hamish Patrick and Bruce Wood will present the seminar on this new legislation which comes into effect on 1 April. All three speakers were heavily involved with the Scottish Law Commission work which was the basis of the 2023 Act.
UPDATE: Also now included will be coverage of the Moveable Transactions (Scotland) Act 2023 (Financial Collateral Arrangements and Financial Instruments) (Consequential Provisions and Modifications) Order 2025 which was laid before the UK Parliament on 6 March. This extends the new law to shares and other financial instruments.
This seminar will be of particular interest to those advising lenders and businesses who are seeking to access finance as well as to insolvency practitioners, but the 2023 Act is new core property law legislation which lawyers generally need to know about.
Find out more and book online here.
Family Law in Focus – 14 & 22 May
Attention all Family Law practitioners, Gillian Black and Alison Edmondson will provide comprehensive coverage of the legal developments over the last year on key family law matters.
Find out more and book online here.