Save when and to the extent engaged in cross-border practice you shall comply with the standards of conduct set out in this rule 1.
You must be trustworthy and act honestly at all times so that your personal integrity is beyond question.
You must give independent advice free from external influences or personal interests which are inconsistent with these standards.
You must act in the best interests of your clients subject to preserving your independence and complying with the law, these rules and the principles of good professional conduct.
You are the agent of your client and must have the authority of your client for your actings. You must not accept improper instructions
You must maintain client confidentiality.
You must not act for two or more clients in matters where there is a conflict of interest between the clients or for any client where there is a conflict between the interest of the client and your interest or that of your practice unit.
Where you are consulted about a matter in which you have, or your practice unit has, a personal or a financial interest, the position must be made clear to the client as soon as possible.
You must communicate effectively with your clients and others
You must only act in those matters where you are competent to do so.
The fees you charge must be fair and reasonable in all the circumstances.
You must not cease to act for clients without just cause and without giving reasonable notice, or in a manner which would prejudice the course of justice.
You must never knowingly give false or misleading information to the court. You must maintain due respect and courtesy towards the court while honourably pursuing the interests of your clients.
You must act with other regulated persons in a manner consistent with persons having mutual trust and confidence in each other.
You must not discriminate on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation in your professional dealings with other lawyers, clients, employees or others
Practice rule imposing duty to Co-operate with the Society
Practice rule on duty to co-operate with the SLCC