B1.17 Duty to Co-operate with the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission (the ‘Commission’)
You must deal with the Commission in an open, timely and co-operative manner, so as to enable the Commission properly to exercise and fulfil its statutory functions.
Related Guidance
B1.6: Confidentiality Generally
Confidentiality is related to conflict of interest but is also a separate and distinct question. The position is set out in rule B1.6 which states "You must maintain client confidentiality. This duty is not terminated by the passage of time.
B5: Client Relations Manager
1. Records to be kept (Rule B5.5.1)
It is not intended that the record keeping exercise should simply be an administrative one.
B1.17 Duty to Co-operate with the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission
Advice and Information related to rule on duty to co-operate with the SLCC