Law Society news
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UK Government consultation: anti-money laundering supervisory review
The UK Government has launched a consultation on how a new anti-money laundering supervisory body should operate and be funded.

New guide for Scottish solicitors sets out how to avert cyber attacks
Cybersecurity risks can be particularly severe for solicitors – but simple steps will help to reduce the risk of cyber attacks, according to a new guide published by the Law Society of Scotland.

New legislation on Scottish partnerships
The UK Government has introduced new legislation which extends beneficial ownership registration requirements to Scottish limited partnerships and certain Scottish general partnerships

Anti-money laundering regulations - update
The Law Society of Scotland is working with representatives from across the UK’s legal sector to update anti-money laundering (AML) guidance, following changes brought about by the Money Laundering Regulations, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 (MLRs), which have come into effect this week.

Do you know how much is enough to retire?
Mike Wardlaw, a Chartered Financial Planner with Tilney in Scotland highlights the importance of financial planning for business owners.

The discount rate - what next?
Kathryn Milne, a personal injury specialist at Tilney, analyses the recent discount rate announcement.

National risk assessment of money laundering and terrorist financing consultation
The UK Government has recently launched a consultation on a refreshed national risk assessment (NRA) of money laundering and terrorist financing.

HM Treasury consults on proposals for new anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing measures
Scottish solicitors are being encouraged to respond to two HM Treasury consultations on proposals to strengthen the UK’s anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist finance (AML/CTF) regime.

Society launches financial benchmarking survey of law firms
The Law Society of Scotland has today, Thursday, 30 March 2017, launched a new, online survey to help solicitors assess their firm’s financial health and how they are performing in the legal market.

Relief over pensions and bankruptcy ruling
Stephen Parker from Tilney highlights the recent ruling from The Court of Appeal in relation to bankruptcy and pensions.