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Fraud alert – emails impersonating solicitors
We've been alerted that Faculty of Advocates members have recently received a spate of scam emails from fraudsters pretending to be legitimate solicitor firms.

Solicitor details - data aggregation services
We have been notified by members of a service offering to sell details of practising solicitors in Scotland - make sure to check any data aggregation service is legitimate.

Fraud alert - Law Society
A fraudulent email has been sent to some solicitors purporting to be from the Law Society.

Spike in fraudsters impersonating solicitors
A recent spike in online scams with fraudsters impersonating real law firms is a warning to all solicitors to be on the front foot to protect themselves and their clients.

Fraud alert – email interception
We have been alerted to fraudsters intercepting emails between a solicitor and their clients in an attempt to scam clients out of significant funds.

Fraud alert – scam WhatsApp messages ‘from Thorntons’
We have been alerted that Thorntons is the latest law firm to be imitated by fraudsters on WhatsApp in order to attempt to scam people out of money for pretend services.

Fraud alert - scam messages claiming to be Teneu Legal
We have been alerted to a scam where fraudsters pretending to be Teneu Legal are using Facebook and WhatsApp to falsely offer certificates of sponsorship to international care home workers.

Fraud alert – bogus solicitor
We have been alerted to a fake law firm called 'Dorfman, George & Partners LLP', claiming to have offices in Aberdeen and London.

Fraud alert - scam WhatsApp messages
We have been alerted to a scam involving WhatsApp messages that falsely claim to be from McGlashan MacKay Solicitors in relation to health and social care visas.

Fraud alert
We have been informed of scam emails being sent to law firms claiming to be from Skipton's Conveyancing Panel.

Fraud alert - fake law firm
We have been notified of a fake law firm named McCallum and Co which claims to offer legal advice in personal injury and accident compensation cases. There is no firm of solicitors of this name registered with the Law Society.

Fraud alert - business development
Read our latest fraud alert about an organisation offering business development opportunities for a brokerage fee.

Fraud alert - fake solicitor stamp and signature
We have been alerted to a scam involving the misuse of the name of a retired English-qualified solicitor as a witness to a signature on a Scottish residential lease.

Fraud alert - fake solicitor
Latest fraud alert - we have been informed that a person calling themselves David Moreno has claimed to be a Scottish-qualified practising solicitor.

Fraud alert - fraudulent SRA email
We have been made aware of Scottish solicitors recently receiving emails fraudulently claiming to be from the Solicitors Regulatory Authority.

Scam alert - cloned emails
Our members must continue to be vigilant with reports of scammers continuing to target the profession, with a recent scam reported to us involving cloning emails.

Fraudulent email alert
Perhaps now, more than ever, the Scottish legal profession needs to be on its guard against scams and fraudulent attacks. As our collective efforts are concentrated on recovering from the effects of the pandemic, fraudsters are making the most of the distraction.

Fraud alert - fake law firm
Fraud alert - we have been made aware of a fake law firm, Denton and Gardner, claiming to be based in Aberdeen

Fraudulent OPBAS email
We have been informed that members of the public have recently received emails fraudulently claiming to be from OPBAS.

Fraud alert - intercepted emails to divert payments
As the Scottish legal profession concentrates efforts on protecting themselves, their colleagues, clients and businesses from the unprecedented challenges presented by the coronavirus pandemic, fraudsters are making the most of the disruption.

Fraud alert - fake law firm letter
We've been informed about a scam letter from a fake law firm about unclaimed pensions. Find out more about this and other fraud alerts.

Fake law firm calling itself 'Divine Grace Solicitors LLP'
We’re aware of scam involving a fake law firm calling itself 'Divine Solicitors' in Edinburgh.

Road traffic accident referral scheme
One of our solicitor members has reported being the subject of a scam, involving a road traffic accident referral arrangement in the hope that other Scottish solicitors will not fall foul of the same or similar fraud.

Client email hacking scam
We have been made aware of a current wave of fraudulent client emails requesting change of bank details. Scottish solicitors, paralegals and cash room staff should be on alert.