Law Society news
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New guide navigates AI challenges for Scottish solicitors
A new guide has been launched to help Scottish solicitors navigate the growing range of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) products while avoiding potential risks posed to their businesses and clients.

Law Society members achieve career milestones
Congratulations are in order for 27 members of the Law Society of Scotland who have been recognised in their areas of practice.

Law Society celebrates members with professional recognition
Congratulations are in order for 16 members of the Law Society of Scotland who have been recognised in their areas of practice.

Honorary Membership nominations invited for Law Society's 75th anniversary
The Society is inviting nominations for honorary membership for outstanding service for the public good by a Scottish solicitor - the closing date is Wednesday, 2 October.

Programme for Government a missed opportunity for access to justice
The Scottish Government has proposed a range of positive justice sector reforms in its 2024-25 Programme for Government, but has failed to recognise the urgent need for investment in access to justice and legal aid.

New career heights reached for Law Society members
Congratulations are in order for 66 members of the Law Society of Scotland who have been recognised in their areas of practice.

New award to celebrate Scotland’s legal sector pioneers
The Society is launching a new award to celebrate legal pioneers within the sector as part of its 75th anniversary commemorations. Nominations for the Legal Pioneer Award are open to both solicitors and non-solicitors - past or present - who have made a significant contribution to Scotland’s legal sector.

Stepping out to support pro bono legal services
The Law Society and Faculty of Advocates have teamed up as joint national sponsors of the Legal Walks, organised annually by the Access to Justice Foundation to raise money to fund much-needed pro bono services.

New solicitors celebrated with summer admissions ceremony
Over 60 new Scottish solicitors were formally welcomed to the profession at an admissions ceremony held at the Signet Library, Edinburgh.

Nine solicitor advocates granted extended rights of audience
The Law Society of Scotland has granted extended rights of audience to nine solicitor advocates in a ceremony held at the Court of Session in Edinburgh.

Risk management competition shifts focus to AI and technology solutions
The Law Society of Scotland’s annual risk management competition is turning its focus to solutions based on technology and artificial intelligence.

Solicitor details - data aggregation services
We have been notified by members of a service offering to sell details of practising solicitors in Scotland - make sure to check any data aggregation service is legitimate.

Guide on improving disability inclusion in legal sector launches
We've launched a guide to help improve disability and neurodiversity inclusion across the Scottish legal profession.

Rule of law must underpin UK Government’s legislative agenda
The extensive legislative agenda outlined in the King's speech must serve to strengthen the rule of law and be underpinned by access to justice, according to the Law Society of Scotland.

Law Society of Scotland pays tribute to Alison Britton
The Law Society of Scotland has paid tribute to former Committee member, Professor Alison Britton, who sadly passed away on Tuesday 2 July.

Practising Certificate fee approved at AGM
Scottish solicitors approve Practising Certificate fee for 2024/25 at Law Society AGM.

Law Society bolsters governing Council with non-legal expertise
The Law Society of Scotland has bolstered its governing Council with the recruitment of six new non-legal members to provide additional perspective and expertise.

Technology experts urge Scottish legal sector to embrace AI
The growing importance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and technology for the legal sector has been examined at a conference hosted by the Law Society of Scotland.

AML inspection guide released
Our anti-money laundering (AML) team has released a guide to help members understand more about the AML inspections process and how to prepare for different types of inspection.

Statement on retirement announcement of Scotland’s Lord Justice Clerk
The first woman ever appointed as Scotland's Lord Justice Clerk, Lady Dorrian, has advised that she will retire in early February 2025, on the same date that the Lord President has previously indicated he will be stepping down.

Law Society crowns Cameron Ramage 2024’s In-House Rising Star
An early-career solicitor for a global technology company has been crowned the Law Society of Scotland’s 2024 In-House Rising Star.

AML regulations need greater clarity for legal sector
Money Laundering Regulations need greater clarity for the legal sector and a re-focus on key ways to mitigate underlying risk in order to strengthen the UK’s anti-money laundering (AML) system, we have said in response to government proposals.

Broxburn Academy come out victorious in Law Society’s debating final
Two pupils from Broxburn Academy have been crowned the winners of 2024’s Donald Dewar Memorial Debate tournament.

Workplace culture recognised with Gold accreditation
The Law Society of Scotland’s commitment to its people and workplace culture has been recognised with an Investors in People Gold accreditation.